05-01-2018, 12:21 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-01-2018, 12:35 AM by Louisabell.)
(04-30-2018, 11:29 PM)xise Wrote: But perhaps it's par for the course. After all, Hatton went 4D positive after their 3D society basically reduced their civilization to rubble with a worldwide war, to paraphrase the l/l channeling on the subject, and Hatton specifically states it was because of the interaction of survival fears versus just letting go of those survival fears in order to fully embrace others and share the very limited resources so that more can survive. Maybe there's much more to this red ray issues springboarding into strong polarization than we realize.
That is interesting, I did not know this about Hatton. Ra also had a difficult existence when in 3D.
Quote:89.28 Questioner: What was Ra’s average total population incarnate on Venus in third density, the number?
Ra: I am Ra. We were a small population which dwelt upon what you would consider difficult conditions. Our harvest was approximately 6 million 500 thousand mind/body/spirit complexes. There were approximately 32 million mind/body/spirit complexes repeating third density elsewhere.
I find that the biggest impediment to growth on Earth are the distractions and diversions, to which there are a lot! Also, the Earth is absolutely beautiful and I know many loving people who work hard in order to travel the globe in order to see much of it in person. I wonder what Venus looked like when 3D life was viable and if the population also engaged in a lot of tourist travel.
(04-28-2018, 06:35 PM)xise Wrote: I think that the idea that the 'majority of their thoughts as kind and loving' can kind of be true, if we include in that definition all the subconscious thoughts and beliefs that are well underneath the surface. Many people don't begin to question the basic beliefs they were raised with and that mainstream society hold nor do most people dig deep into their subconscious. The vast majority of 'normal' societal or familial beliefs destroy our ability to experience oneness or polarize effectively.
I think there is definitely something to this. There is so much hidden in the subconscious and our environment offers a lot of options to further cover up and repress those uncomfortable feelings which are symptoms of hidden things. For example, I have a mild form of social anxiety which I can easily cover up by drinking alcohol at social events. Everyone else is doing it, so it's no big deal, so I don't have to face why I fear interacting with people, which I'm sure contains a lot of useful material to balance in order to polarise further (I have been working on this).
I still think there may be an objective barometer for polarization and I am reminded by this quote by Ra:
Quote:46.9 Questioner: Certainly.
Ra: The entity polarizing positively perceives the anger. This entity, if using this catalyst mentally, blesses and loves this anger in itself. It then intensifies this anger consciously in mind alone until the folly of this red-ray energy is perceived not as folly in itself but as energy subject to spiritual entropy due to the randomness of energy being used.
Positive orientation then provides the will and faith to continue this mentally intense experience of letting the anger be understood, accepted, and integrated with the mind/body/spirit complex. The other-self which is the object of anger is thus transformed into an object of acceptance, understanding, and accommodation, all being reintegrated using the great energy which anger began.
The negatively oriented mind/body/spirit complex will use this anger in a similarly conscious fashion, refusing to accept the undirected or random energy of anger and instead, through will and faith, funneling this energy into a practical means of venting the negative aspect of this emotion so as to obtain control over other-self, or otherwise control the situation causing anger.
Control is the key to negatively polarized use of catalyst. Acceptance is the key to positively polarized use of catalyst. Between these polarities lies the potential for this random and undirected energy creating a bodily complex analog of what you call the cancerous growth of tissue.
So Ra is saying here that the amount of one's catalyst which has been understood, accepted and integrated into the self is to the degree that a person is polarizing positively. An interesting concept here is that work is done in the act of acceptance itself, the person/circumstance which is the cause of anger is transformed in the mind as a after-effect. So would that mean that you can polarize positively without any direct interaction with other-selves?