04-30-2018, 08:34 AM
You have nothing to fear my friend. Release these expectations. You will not be incarnating as a robot slave. You are a seeker of truth. You love truth don’t you? You love freedom and liberty? Do your choices and actions within this illusion reflect that attitude? Then you have nothing to worry about. Unless you are working for the Illuminati you most likely will not incarnate in a future incarnation as a slave to negative entities. Those who act slavishly to them now and who are willing to lie, deceive, cheat, steal, kill for a paycheck have much more to worry about because their next incarnations will not be as nice as they were here on Earth.
And actually, you are probably also planning your incarnations with your higher self at this point. I would assume spiritual seekers are conscious enough to participate in that process before the incarnation. So that means that you will have a say in your future incarnations. Your viewpoint and perspective will be greatly enhanced and you will have a different opinion than you do now with that greater view.
Anyway, all I am trying to say is to not worry! Examine your fear, sit with it, be with it, and then you might find that you don’t need to fear anymore and you can drop it off by the wayside and continue walking your spiritual path in Love and Light
And actually, you are probably also planning your incarnations with your higher self at this point. I would assume spiritual seekers are conscious enough to participate in that process before the incarnation. So that means that you will have a say in your future incarnations. Your viewpoint and perspective will be greatly enhanced and you will have a different opinion than you do now with that greater view.
Anyway, all I am trying to say is to not worry! Examine your fear, sit with it, be with it, and then you might find that you don’t need to fear anymore and you can drop it off by the wayside and continue walking your spiritual path in Love and Light