04-29-2018, 09:13 AM
(04-29-2018, 07:58 AM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: So these gadgets and computers don't have "souls" per se, but DO have intelligent life? So am I enslaving an entity by using a comouter or a cell phone or a TV or a calculator? Does using proprietary software make do something unethical to these liiving things? Would using Linux make it better? What about when a friend builds a comouter with proprietary format? Or a gadget or robot? Are they unknowingly creating robot slaves and enslaving an entity like elsru suggested on that thread? Is there some sort of karmic imbalance being created? I know younguys say not to worry and stuff and tend to disapprove of fear, it I am new to this whole Law of One thing and can't help but find this all disconcerting. BTW, I only just recently started readingnthe Law of One.
So are there any karmic imbalances I should be worried about? Any ethical issues?
Jain ascetics sweep their feet when they walk to avoid stepping on ants and other tiny forms of life. This is one extreme example of the lengths some go to, to avoid hurting another living entity.
I'm of the opinion that everything stems from consciousness. I fancy the idea that all my actions have consequences, and it is best to take good care of the things you have responsibility for.
And everything comes from the same source: the Creator. This means from the air you breathe, to the chair you sit on.
I believe the Creator sincerely forgives you for misusing the things you have responsibility for. It is unconditional.
Perhaps it may seem like nothing matters to some people in the grand scheme of things, simply because everything matters so infinitely much instead.