(04-27-2018, 09:36 PM)Louisabell Wrote: Other people have said that the 51% positive polarity just means that a person has to have the majority of their thoughts as kind and loving, which I tend to not think is so, because then why was there so small a potential harvest at the time of the channeling?
I think that the idea that the 'majority of their thoughts as kind and loving' can kind of be true, if we include in that definition all the subconscious thoughts and beliefs that are well underneath the surface. Many people don't begin to question the basic beliefs they were raised with and that mainstream society hold nor do most people dig deep into their subconscious. The vast majority of 'normal' societal or familial beliefs destroy our ability to experience oneness or polarize effectively.
You often hear people ask the question on the forum: "I know a lot of 'good hearted' people but how is it that the positive harvest is so low?" In short, it's because they haven't broken free of mainstream culture or family culture, which harbors an enormous bundle of harmful red, orange, yellow ray, or even green ray beliefs. I think it's because despite perhaps a choice to be good-hearted or a choice to try to open their heart - so many good people don't explore the fears and worries deep within their subconscious about red, orange, yellow, and even green ray beliefs, and thus the overall love//light energy flowing through these people is too low to walk the steps of light because of lower ray imbalances. Many of these are culturally adopted often many 'good-hearted' people have these:
- Red Ray: It's a rough world out, there, and you have to toil and work hard to survive. Life is also dangerous. A lot of this involves money worries, or expecting daily life to be painful/hard/unenjoyable. I would say settling for an unenjoyable job for a long period of time is also a distortion of this level. Worrying about losing your house. Etc.
- Orange Ray: I'm not a good person if I think X. I'm not a good person if I did Y. I'm not a good person if I'm not a hardworker. I can never forgive myself for doing X to someone. I shouldn't be attracted to X because they or I am not single (don't cheat or act on it necessarily, but accepting your own sexual energy/emotions rather than suppressing them is important). It is my duty to do X, although I hate doing it. I should do Y, because culture/society/family expectations say so though it brings me unhappiness. The cultural, familial, and personal self-judgments destroy our orange. Hell, even the [extended?] family-comes-first ideal which is often idolized in all societies and religion Ra specifically mentions is a nonpolarizing belief held over from 2nd density experience, which probably distorts orange, yellow, and green ray all at the same time.
- Yellow Ray: I'm powerless. I don't fit in it. I hate society. There is more to the yellow ray but I am still exploring this ray.
- Green Ray: Never be too open, because you will get hurt. If you are too kind, you will be taken advantage of (perhaps also a yellow ray). I can never accept or forgive or understand child molesters/murderers/X because that would mean I'm ok with it.
I know so, so many normal 'good-hearted' people who seem to sincerely believe that life is all about love and will talk about such in religious or spiritual conversations, but still harbor so many of the above-mentioned beliefs. From this perspective, the low positive harvest percentage makes sense. At least to me.
I think there has been good discussion with respect to the OP's question, and I can only say that STO is a term, with a specific slightly non-literal meaning, and I've found examining STO from the perspective of the rays to be a most fruitful way of understanding STO. Basically, the short version is, STO is about unconditional love (all the types of love - the rays are a good way to sub-define and understand love), whereas STS is basically exclusively about self-love.