04-17-2018, 10:22 PM
(04-17-2018, 09:28 PM)Louisabell Wrote: The information we can gather is only from the "observable universe" - all matter whose light has had time to reach Earth. There are schools of thought who think that the universe may indeed be infinite. Also it is the mainstream that the universe is not expanding away from a central point in space, but if you imagine a grid, that the expanse is occurring as a stretching of the grid. So in a way the expansion is happening to all points in space.
Thanks for your input, its very interesting. I'm pretty sure mainstream scientists all agree that the universe is expanding from a single. Astronomers observe stars moving away thru the redshift effect, which would still probably be true in the stretching of the grid that you mentioned. The smoking gun, though, is the electromagnetic waves stemming from a central point in the sky.
(04-17-2018, 09:28 PM)Stranger Wrote: There are two valid perspectives on time: 1) the flow of time, 2) simultaneity. The Logos has access to both of these. Within simultaneity, it all exists - but only because it "had been" created, as perceived within the flow-of-time perspective.
Think of an old-school vinyl record. You can play the notes one after another, just as we do when we experience the flow of moments in time. What if you could also hear all the notes simultaneously, just by looking at the whole record -- and be able to make out each one? We can't do this - but the Logos can take both perspectives.
My personal guess is that Creation consists of time slices, one Planck time apart from each other. Each slice has a complete static "snapshot" of the Universe at that moment. (As an aside, this also resolves Xeno's Paradox: if to travel any distance you first have to travel half of that distance, and then the other half - and to travel each half, you first need to travel half of that - and so forth, ad infinitum - it should therefore take an infinite amount of time to travel any distance, but it doesn't - why?. The paradox is resolved if distance is quantized, and the number of points between any two is not infinite but finite).
Whatever each slice consists of has been co-created by all the entities who experienced that slice, and made their choices of action, thought and feeling in that slice. So, without us doing what we are doing now, this thread on this forum would not exist. We've created it - but, unbeknownst to us, from the Creator's perspective we created it simultaneously with all the actions that we have taken/will take/are taking place in every other slice of time.
Anyway, from the perspective of simultaneity, everything 'already' exists; but from flow-of-time, it continues to be created. Both are true.
I imagine time as consecutive frames/slices of realities as you eluded to. Our consciousness is probably speeding through time at the speed of light, which is why scientists think we cannot go faster than th speed of light. Based off what i read, mainly from souls describing it under hypnosis, it seems like past,present, future exists at one time, but then there is a constant fluctuation due to each entity constantly co-creating realities. I think this is very similar to what you are saying.
If you ever watch Brian Greene's the elegant universe and string theory, his ideas on time are similar to what we've stated.. of course, he doesnt talk about souls co-creating