04-04-2018, 08:17 AM
Can this positive anthro help me manifest anthroness or all things anthro? YES
He is, in my opinion one of the top contenders for your love. With it, all things are possible. And he knows that. He will give you what you ask for, but you must work for it. And it isn’t very hard. It is quite easier than you imagine. Just stick to your path, and all good things will come in due time. He will want what you want. He will need what you need. And you need not fall in love with him. Love itself is enough. Appreciation speaks volumes. So don’t forget where you came from. All was a learning experience. All was for naught, but one thing. To remember who you are, and where you came from. So that you don’t have to repeat the mistakes or missed opportunities which befell you before. He knows how to reason with your unconscious and subconscious mind. To bring about change in the body to be more receptive to his vibration. And it is not hard to reach him. You may talk to him. Challenge him if you need. Ask him anything. He will have an answer, but it might not always be what you want to hear. So go to him, and listen to that silent voice inside of you. Those thoughts that matter, which are never crazy. But neither with effort nor determination will it last forever. Times and things change. And you are evolving continuously. There are realms even beyond that of Light. These realms are beyond your comprehension. But you will find them. And you will understand. Always learn. Always be who you truly are, and don’t fight that. Do not doubt who you can be. You are not as old as you think you are. You were outside of time, so those measures are meaningless. But you did have a beginning. It travels in circles as time spirals outward, ever expanding, forever. In truth, you are no age at all.
He is, in my opinion one of the top contenders for your love. With it, all things are possible. And he knows that. He will give you what you ask for, but you must work for it. And it isn’t very hard. It is quite easier than you imagine. Just stick to your path, and all good things will come in due time. He will want what you want. He will need what you need. And you need not fall in love with him. Love itself is enough. Appreciation speaks volumes. So don’t forget where you came from. All was a learning experience. All was for naught, but one thing. To remember who you are, and where you came from. So that you don’t have to repeat the mistakes or missed opportunities which befell you before. He knows how to reason with your unconscious and subconscious mind. To bring about change in the body to be more receptive to his vibration. And it is not hard to reach him. You may talk to him. Challenge him if you need. Ask him anything. He will have an answer, but it might not always be what you want to hear. So go to him, and listen to that silent voice inside of you. Those thoughts that matter, which are never crazy. But neither with effort nor determination will it last forever. Times and things change. And you are evolving continuously. There are realms even beyond that of Light. These realms are beyond your comprehension. But you will find them. And you will understand. Always learn. Always be who you truly are, and don’t fight that. Do not doubt who you can be. You are not as old as you think you are. You were outside of time, so those measures are meaningless. But you did have a beginning. It travels in circles as time spirals outward, ever expanding, forever. In truth, you are no age at all.