03-29-2018, 08:17 AM
Quote:Gary: Thank you for asking [if that answered my question]. I think there was a misunderstanding. Please correct me if I’m wrong. My question wasn’t about the free will of fourth-density inhabitants being affected when third density cycles again, rather, my question was about the free will of the third-density inhabitants being affected when they encounter the artifacts and remnants of our own global civilization.
By what you just said, it may be tens of millions of years before third density cycles again, in which case, Earth will have erased or removed much of our history, but we presently can go back many hundreds of millions, even billions of years in our archeological record, so the question being, when the new third-density cycle activates, and there are new third-density beings who become sophisticated enough, at least, to look into the archeological record, how does that affect their free will to learn of a global civilization that no longer exists.
Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and we are again with this instrument. The traces, as you might call them, of past civilizations are, as you have noted, easily erased by the sands of time. We ask you to contemplate the mystery of past civilizations upon your own planet— the land of Lemuria being one, the land of Atlantis being another. These were great civilizations that have vanished almost without a trace, and are mostly known through legends, even though there have been some who have assiduously searched for these traces, having been alerted by the legends.
Now there are some traces of earlier civilizations currently upon your planet—we call your attention to the statues on Easter Island that are an early remnant of interactions between an earthly population and another earthly source, and so these remnants may, in fact, be in place, and they will be seen as a source of possible mystery, but in general, their presence does not greatly interfere with the free will of those who are learning the lessons of third density, uppermost in importance of which, is the making of the choice.
So, it may be possible that at the latter end of its master cycle of development, a civilization may become aware of traces upon its planet of earlier civilizations. These, in general, do not constitute abrogations of free will in any significant way.