03-08-2018, 04:37 AM
(02-10-2018, 07:22 PM)loostudent Wrote: The whole evolution process is meaningles if all is just an illusion and after being born (many times) in 3d and all the struggle and evolving through densities you are annihilated in "nirvana". It is as you haven't existed. It seems nihilistic.
First, you might consider that to take seriously the consequences of what happens in 7d is like a 1st grader worrying about his exams in graduate school. Maybe you should focus more on the situation closer to home?
Otherwise, it might take some of the pressure off to think of it all as an artistic endeavor which is continually refined, yet never completely accomplished. Each time a great singer sings a song it is a new refinement based upon the previous times it was sung and upon other experience gained in the interim time. A sculptor or painter may revisit a theme again and again throughout her lifetime, each time refining her touch. Each theme visited and refined in 3d comes around again in the succeeding densities and is further refined. The descriptions of 7d & 8d can be viewed as interpretations of refinement of consciousness and being so intense as to be indescribable to the 3d denizen.
(03-08-2018, 01:20 AM)rva_jeremy Wrote: The point is that the third density self, the self that is attuned to the illusion, is transient to the extent it is invested in its own separateness from others. That self demands to be defended against, and held apart from, anything that threatens it as the primary focus of attention. So to lose this, to sacrifice it, is not to sacrifice anything of value, as Ra said, but instead to manifest an understanding that expanding one's identity need not incur any loss of identity except insofar as one is entangled in worldly attachments of various kinds.
Can we refine the first line to say that in 3d as experienced mainly in chakras 1, 2 & 3, the self experiences itself as separate?
To experience life here and now including the higher energy centers does not necessarily entail a sacrificing of worldly attachments, as you call them. I rather like Ra's analogy of the flute whereby one is eventually free to sound each or any note (of the seven chakras) as may be required by the given circumstances. Thereby one can express separateness or oneness as an authentic experience of self as one pleases in a given situation. (Hard to do that in the higher densities, I would imagine.)