(02-08-2018, 02:50 PM)loostudent Wrote:Quote:"Each entity is only superficially that which blooms and dies. In the deeper sense there is no end to beingness."
"The seventh-density being, the completed being, the Creator who knows Itself, accumulates mass and compacts into the One Creator once again."
"This octave density of which we have spoken is both omega and alpha, the spiritual mass of the infinite universes becoming one central sun or Creator once again. Then is born a new universe, a new infinity, a new Logos which incorporates all that the Creator has experienced of Itself. In this new octave there are also those who wander. We know very little across the boundary of octave except that these beings come to aid our octave in its Logos completion." (Ra)
What is Logos completion? What happens to Logos? Is this:
a) the ultimate death of each entity of this octave,
b) some kind of resting state in unity or
c) does the journey continue?
[I may not have completely read every post in the thread, if I repeated something someone else said, my apologies]
Well, we know that there are "refinements" on the One Original Thought from octave to octave.
We also know that there are mysterious travelers from the island of the previous octave and the octave to be. The beings from the "future" octave apparently come to assist our Logos in its "Logos completion".
Speaking from what has been imparted to me, my understanding is that awareness is eternal. The Light of Spirit can be nigh infinitely distorted (which results in the phenomenon we call "matter", but it cannot be snuffed out or annihilated. As in all distortions, the source is the limit of the viewpoint. So distortion is the limiting of viewpoint. This is the distortion of the Light of Spirit.
Logos completion, to my limited understanding, is having totally passed through, as thoroughly as is possible in the given constructed illusion (which I prefer to call the "Grand Pyramidal Prism", the seven rays of being (the types of identification one may have in infinity).
In each octave the Prism, or Archetypal Pyramid, is created. And the white light of creator is poured through it and the seven densities are manifested, and then refined into the structure, or classroom, that most efficaciously facilitates the pure experience of each one of those types of identification.
When all consciousness complexes have been through the school, the Great Central Sun is formed again (which is Logos completion), and this 7D Logos rises into the unpotentiated plenum of 8D, to construct another Grand Prism, to pour the Light through. This 7D Logos is not completely dissolved into the 8D plenum of all potentiality. As stated before, some refinements are kept, if they enhanced the experience of one or more of the aforementioned rays of identification.
Rather, the Logos is bathed, rinsed, chills out for a few eternities (this is not terribly unlike our process of harvest when our indigo bodies are transferred into violet ray to appraise our readiness for harvest), and steps back out of the "Father/Mother 8D aspect", to create some more, because infinite potential is always eventually called to create some more. So 8D choice-less freedom awareness (a strange but true statement) naturally, inevitably we might say, reaches for the kinetic aspect: the Logos manifestation. The Chooser.
Why does a painter paint?
No individuals are forced to give up their identities, but are trapped within a given illusion, or classroom, until they make the choice to be reformed into a new kind of identification (the next density). As you can imagine, 3rd grade might get boring after a few thousand years, though it might become very familiar and comfortable. Rather than a given personality being annihilated, they are simply expanded away from. Like taking off a pair of clothes, and putting on a new pair of clothes. The clothes still exist, you just aren't wearing them. I don't know if the "old clothes" still exist across the boundary of the octave. I suppose in some sense they must, since travel between octaves is apparently possible, given Ra's statements about the travelers.
But then, are we upset that we aren't still playing with our kids toys? I still have many of my childhood toys, in a box in a closet somewhere, though there is little desire to play with them. I still look at them with fondness however. In another incarnation, I may well enjoy playing with similar toys again.
"Why then be concerned with the grass that blooms, withers and dies in its season only to grow once again due to the infinite love and light of the One Creator? This is the message we bring. Each entity is only superficially that which blooms and dies. In the deeper sense there is no end to beingness."