02-08-2018, 04:09 PM
(02-08-2018, 11:25 AM)rva_jeremy Wrote:bunny foo foo Wrote:I don't care what excuse they have, I don't care how traumatized they were as a child, at the end of the day they CHOOSE to continue the cycle and they need to be stopped.
OK, just keep in mind that they are you and you they. It's a radical idea that isn't designed to accommodate our knee-jerk reactions and moral sensibilities. It's a philosophy designed to explain the totality of the universe and experience.
To the extent you want to view things through the victim/perpetrator dichotomy, it's going to be hard to accept them. But eventually you will. So it's no big deal if you need to process these feelings, feel free, we've all been there.
Thank you and sorry if I've been a pain in the ass. This helps, I totally get that we are one and because we are one I have the right to defend myself if I'm being harmed, that means I get to protect the child because that kid is also me. I also don't want my self defeating behaviors enabled or reinforced that means there are consequences for the one abusing the child so the perpetrator can learn and can begin healing if they choose to if they choose not to they can remain separate from the rest of humanity. Isn't that what we do with limbs that get gangrene, we are one with the bacteria that caused the gangrene. Just like cancer, we cut it out or try to kill it because if we let it alone to do as it wishes the body dies. We are one with cancer but we cannot live with cancer without consequence to the actions of the cancer or else we die. I just see some elements of grooming to accept predatory people as normal and acceptable, but the laws of nature would say otherwise.