02-04-2018, 05:22 PM
Eyyyyy, those Satanists sure have a way with words. I was always agnostic until I found the Law of One, as for accelerated learning, i find it folly, if you accelamerate too fast you wind up decelemerated for a good while.
I don't get the point of accelerated evolution in a setting of eternity. Why not enjoy everything to its total fullest instead of trying to speed through it?
If the reason for it is boredom, I don't understand how access to nigh infinite activities can become boring.
If it's however just a preference, alrighty then.
I guess I'm just too slow to understand :3
I don't get the point of accelerated evolution in a setting of eternity. Why not enjoy everything to its total fullest instead of trying to speed through it?
If the reason for it is boredom, I don't understand how access to nigh infinite activities can become boring.
If it's however just a preference, alrighty then.
I guess I'm just too slow to understand :3