02-03-2018, 04:00 PM
I have complex post traumatic stress disorder and the only way I have been able to successfully work through and be able to be of help to others is by removing myself from abusive and toxic people who were negatively polarized. By doing that one thing I was able to start healing, not in the midst of turmoil and being repeatedly traumatized. It's unhealthy to be codependent and think if we just give enough hugs or love someone enough they will rise above. It doesn't work. They need to have consequences so they learn. Psychopaths don't think like regular people, malignant narcissists don't think anything is wrong with them and often refuse help. Some have to be separated because it's the only right and loving thing to do. If you are exposed to abuse whether to yourself or others often enough you can't heal it's too chaotic. You think this planet would have life on it if it kept getting bombarded with asteroids, no of course not, it needed a break to heal. Just like if you break a bone it has to rest to heal right.