JayCee, you seem to be doing an unbelievable job of staying centered in love. It's a remarkable accomplishment.
Given what Ra said about the link between cancer and suppressed anger, might be worth exploring the possibility that there may be some latent anger lurking under the surface?
You can try exploring it by writing the following sentence: I am angry because ________ - and keep writing whatever comes up, without any judgement, self-criticism or censorship.
I've seen people discover anger in themselves of which they had been totally unaware.
Given what Ra said about the link between cancer and suppressed anger, might be worth exploring the possibility that there may be some latent anger lurking under the surface?
You can try exploring it by writing the following sentence: I am angry because ________ - and keep writing whatever comes up, without any judgement, self-criticism or censorship.
I've seen people discover anger in themselves of which they had been totally unaware.