(01-14-2018, 12:33 PM)Sprout Wrote: I don't know how the creator's plan works, but time heals, sort of like Ra would say "striking of a clock upon the hour". So it may be required for an entity to remain in trauma for a certain period of time to contemplate. Overall, interaction with other selves is a good healing factor, working out helps ease anger that sometimes is built from trauma, animal interactions, nature, and finally meditation are all helpful. It all builds little by little, I do not believe there is one easy or fast way to heal trauma. But not contemplating the event and/or running away only builds up the charge to be released later on, such example are drugs, they may help the individual to forget, but there will come a time when a catalyst may arise and bring same traumatic memory and intensify it so the individual is back to contemplating and/or denying and creating self hatred. Acceptance and forgiveness of self and other self are what finally heals trauma. Another thing, but one of an automatic nature to deal/heal trauma are dreams.(Anyway that's my opinion and there might be different or faster routes to healing trauma.)
Interesting topic though, would love to hear other thoughts and ideas, since we all have trauma to heal.
Sprout, you may find it interesting (I certainly did) that time does not heal trauma. It's the rule rather than the exception to find people who think they've "got over long ago" whatever traumatic experiences may have occurred -- only to discover that the same experience is the cause of the emotional distress or problem behaviors they're still experiencing decades later.
I truly believe this is because what we call 'trauma' is actually unprocessed catalyst - emotions which "overloaded the system" so to speak, and therefore were never allowed to fully flow through our energy channel and leave. The Logos does not seem to like wasting good catalyst, heh heh. So that's why we have flashbacks and nightmares, if the trauma is severe - and/or nagging, persistent negative feelings - until we face whatever the catalyst was, and let it complete its journey through our energy system.
So these emotions get trapped inside, at the level of various chakras, and continue being triggered; and people generally do whatever they can to avoid those feelings at all costs - drinking, workaholism - it's very common for people with PTSD to keep music or TV on at all times to drown out the painful feelings and memories.
This determined avoidance of painful feelings and memories keeps them right where they are - even across lives. I've just spent over a year clearing out all kinds of stuff, and I'd estimate that 90% of it has been past-life issues - and I'm not even done yet! So much for time healing all wounds.
What does heal trauma - and quickly - is letting the feelings/memories come up, and meeting them with acceptance and love for the part of you that's been carrying the hurt. A very helpful exercise along these lines is expressive writing -- simply writing for 15-20 minutes per day whatever is on your mind, without self-censorship or judgment of any kind, and then shredding what you wrote. More than 200 studies show that it helps everything from depression, anxiety, pain, arthritis, immune function - you name it. Why? Because you're vomiting up, verbally, emotional "toxins" - traumatic memories. During the exercise you feel awful, but afterwards relief and increased inner clarity and peace.
Also, it does not appear to be necessary for entities to remain in trauma for long periods of time. I say this because I've seen people successfully work through traumatic events the next day, to complete resolution. All "the Universe" seems to care about is that you deal with your catalyst, one way or the other - make the choice of acceptance/love vs. control. When we do it is up to us, but until we do, it's going to nag at us and inflict suffering in our lives.