(01-08-2018, 05:16 PM)Billz Wrote: Infinite Unity, what you've described is how to exist or what we do within existence. I mean no disrespect, but I'm asking why? It feels as if your answer is like Neiztsche's premise, "I think, therefore, I am." This was presumed as proof of existence, but not why we exist.
I remember the basic content of your quotes posted above and using the words quoted, "...these experiments..." make the why seem somewhat casual as to why,..."because we wanted to perform an experiment" or "gain more experience?" This would seem to belie the omniscience of the Creator. What could possibly be gained by one who supposedly knows all?
I think the key was the part I bolded : "Each Logos desires to create a more eloquent expression of experience of the Creator by the Creator."
The purpose of separation is to answer the drive of beingness to manifest into its many potentials. Without these illusionary separation there is not really any omiscience, as nothing is known without them. The Creator knows Itself through the reflection of experience and without them It is not even aware that It is as awareness is already a construct of duality and so separation. Intelligent Infinity is not omniscient because it is without you, and instead because it contains the intelligence of being you as part of its own intelligence.
I'll answer your question into shifting it into a different focus; we are because it would be paradoxical that we would not be. What does this mean? That we do not have the power to not be and so we see the cause and effect of our own being and its intelligent exploration.