01-08-2018, 11:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-08-2018, 11:38 AM by Infinite Unity.)
(01-08-2018, 04:58 AM)GreatSpirit Wrote: Hahahaha...this was awesome!!
So its around 2:30 am...i'm walking back from Walgreens and as I leave, I saw a local police dept cruiser right outside the store. Nothing out of the ordinary.
I live right by the store so I'm like half way to my driveway and this cop pulls up as I'm walking and he asked me for my name. You know what I said??? "am I free to go or am I being detained???"
Obviously this cop was NOT expecting that response and wearing a snow hat in 15-20 degree weather, I must look total suspect for some reason. I mean winters in northeast PA are kind of cold so snow hats aren't out of the ordinary....as far as I know.
Anyhoo, he tries to prolong it by saying "I'm looking for someone I just want your name"...again I respond "am I free to go or am I being detained??" Right after that I'm getting fed up with him and just said "I live right there and my name is Cole...amI free to go or am I being detained???
He says "you're free to go but I just want to talk"..as soon as he said "you're free to go" I just said "see ya later!!!"
Hahaha...so I just walk through my driveway and go to my house, turn on the back porch light and I'm just staring at him while heating up chicken tenders. I called my roommate to come over and we're both staring at him through the door window and I start waving at him. I'm pretty buzzed at this point from smoking and drinking too!!!
It's just funny how I made this cop look like a total idiot. He probably never dealt with this and I hope I imparted some wisdom to the young officer. But I was ready for him too!!! I got my revenge because they stopped me in 2014 just walking. Now it was my turn to have fun with the cop.
Just making them feel like an idiot and exerting my rights was enough for me
But in short, I basically told the cop to shut the fk up and to go fk himself for pestering me and to go make me a sandwich.
I don't support non-cooperation. As the cop could of had a legitimate reason in his own mind for stopping, and asking you those questions. However I will congratulate you, on your willingness to stand up for your self/rights. Many people just succumb to authority, which is not an advisable configuration, as the 'authorities' go unchecked and un-mirrored.
3 days before Christmas I had an ordinance cop give me a 1083 dollar ticket. For my dog roaming unchecked. The dog caused no problems, bit no one, and tore up nothing. Usually in the past I would succumb to social authority without question, that has always been my configuration towards societie's authority. However in this situation, I found myself not only willing, but wanting to stand up to the cop, because I felt the fine, and his behavior were uncalled for. Needless to say I have a court date, and plan on standing up to the fullest ability, for what I believe to be right. I think paying a fine is acceptable, but one that more fits the situation.
I would also agree with glow, in that, the cop probably does have you marked now. Be careful brother.