(01-06-2018, 02:48 AM)Glow Wrote:(01-06-2018, 01:22 AM)Ra1111 Wrote:(01-05-2018, 10:07 PM)Glow Wrote: They said 100-700 years.
Remember Ra apologizing because it was they could not actually see each of us as separate from the other. We already are a web, because we are already one we don’t need an external connection just to become aware of our inner connection.
I just saw these two things you said now , and you are correct, I suppose within the timeframe of 700 years, who knows what we can come up with ! The internet could very well be obscolete in 250 years for all we know , that is a large span of time ... however I always assumed that because 100 was the low number that the internet fits the bill because what great invention is going to change us like it has with only 70 years left til the minimum time ?
And I have often pondered what they meant by seeing us as only one thing , have you ever considered that they mean from their actual physical POV they can only see us as the city lights at night “from outer space” like NASA shows us? Also please if this is too personal , don’t answer , but do you believe the images NASA shows us of “planet earth” are what is actually happening here?
EDIT: to clarify what I mean by great invention... we ARE to become a social memory complex, that is a gigantic portion of Ra’s message, do you disagree ??
If we are to BECOME something , who is going to create it but us?? It must be a creation that we are going to become.
I don’t think it’s city lights. I get a lot of direct teaching. For the last year as an excercise I have been taught to get used to seeing first each being glowing with just slightly different shades/intensities of yellow light, then extend that to objects around them, then the air between them, then the earth until everything looks like it’s been hit with a highlighter. The more you do that the more you can greet the creator equally not just in each other but in even the air, the fence post, it’s all consciousness, all one consciousness separated only by belief and illusion for a while even trillions of years but still never actually separated. We don’t have to create anything just let go of the veil a bit.
I’ve also been shown so many times beings coming out of the earth to interact coloured exactly as the earth then sinking back down into the earth. We are seamless energy and now I feel like I’m saying to much.
I’m not going to address personal beliefs on the earth thing because it’s moot but suffice to say I’m not a conspiracy theorist in regards to cyntrifical force or magnetic fields. The physical doesn’t really exist anyways.
Everything physical protons electrons and neutrons energy forming a cluster.
shape is irrelevant and transient but the most closely packed shape where all parts on the outside are the same max distance is a sphere so if an energy we’re going to cluster as closely as possible it would logically be a sphere aka an orb.
I’m sure it could be snowflake shaped if it wanted to I don’t really care. :)
That’s not meant in judgement but we side track ourselves worrying about details that don’t matter. The main point of the Law of One is that we are all one, behind a veil that lets us forget who we are.
I will stop now. I’m drunk on love and creation so can get a bit passionate. :)
Hope I didn’t offend. Perhaps the internet is more a tool to help us accept being seen, and learn to share. telepathy can be a shock and one can feel over exposed or like you’ve seen to much.
K I will butt out :)
Feeling as though you must butt out or you have said too much or you have offended me by offering a different viewpoint , I do not agree but understand. I do appreciate your thoughts.
“3D does not really exist” and things which we cannot see or are not meant to understand being transient and how it all ends with “the whole point of the LOO is that we are all one” is always how these conversations seem to end! The fact is that I have come to the realization that something concrete and real must be considered in addition to all of the abstract energy thoughts, and I am doing my best to bridge them via Ra’s teachings. Love to U, glow!