Then maybe you could meditate or simply lay down and relax and visualize that bird and be aware of your thoughts and feelings. Don't be scared if it something bad in the beginning, it usually change into something better later. It is possible that this bird has something to do with your work with catalyst. I had similiar kind of experience once while meditating. I started to see a big black wolf with fiercely yellow/orange eyes. It was a big, black hellhound that in the beginning frightened me, and the first time I even stoped the meditation because it felt that this beast would jump out in my physical world and attack me. After a while it turned out (I think) that the wolf was representing my "blind" instincts. Not easy to connect one with each other at first... I think that some people would call them totems, but I don't know what it was and I have not seen that wolf since the day I released it. At the end it was a big healthy beast and not a hellhound I met at first who was running in freedom in some woods...