12-31-2017, 05:03 AM
(12-28-2017, 11:48 AM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: Hi peregrine. I understand your grievances.
No, no: I have no grievance with you, Jade. I was just trying to string together some loosely related ideas in to a clumsy garland of mirrors for you, if you will.
Bring4th_Jade Wrote:...it seems that most of the criticisms in this thread have been lobbed directly at ME....
Yes, naturally. After all, this is a thread about responsibility and of all of us chattering here, by far, you have taken upon yourself the most responsibility for upholding this website. And as more responsibility is taken on, more catalyst arrives therefrom, no? It is definitely not an "honor/duty" for the faint of heart, and I echo the gratitude others have expressed for your stepping into the ring and engaging in a round of doing this work.
Bring4th_Jade Wrote:As far as the chakras go, Ra also says that the throat chakra will always have blockage until the heart chakra is completely unblocked. I think that requires a lot of -sacrifice- of one's being, yes even martyrdom - giving up some creature comforts, out of compassion for those who are enslaved because of our demand for an easy existence. I feel like talking about these things, sharing truth in the face of hypocrisy, putting light onto lies - I believe this is the function of the blue-ray, while incarnate in third density. Moving the energies, with understanding, through the chakras and into the blue ray. Now, my heart chakra is certainly not fully unblocked, so my blue ray is faulty for sure, but in my estimation I am articulating shrouded yellow-ray concepts with the blue-ray. If you think that what I am doing here, speaking out, "rearranging peoples" or whatever is hypocritical, then we all need to abstain from communicating with each other!!! But to the best of my understanding, we cannot abstain from "doing", so we still have a responsibility with our "doing", even if our "being" is [not] quite bright and pure.
I mean, let's look at your two examples. They obviously had done a lot of DOING, as a service to the yellow-ray sphere. Where would we be without them? Where would we be without those who spoke up for truth in the face of hypocrisy? The idea that this is less spiritual is toxic, I'm sorry peregrine, but that's the best thing I can say about that interpretation of the philosophy. Of course, putting an emphasis on doing OVER being is equally as dangerous to the state of one's energetic balance. But if one uses their being to inform their doing - with lots of meditation and processing of catalyst - they are COMPELLED to serve others, as that is what Ra says that a wide-open indigo ray produces.
If you won't mind, I would respond to the above emboldened statement to say that what's required is not a giving up of self--in fact, it's a deeper discovery of self--but an unclenching of templates of self as imagined by consciousness in the lower energy centers and tacitly accepted as the limits of self-definition when, to the contrary, templates within the heart are much warmer and expansive and simply wonderful. It's the version of life from the perspective of energy centers 2 & 3 that stresses separation and the need for self-defensiveness. One may perform acts of service while arranged in that posture, but the radiance, the beauty, is far less than when performed from a place of the simplest recognition of Divinity. This may be what gave Schweitzer a more radiant energetic profile, that more of his work was done with a recognition of the Divinity within others.
So, why am I hammering you with this now, you may be wondering? It's because I witnessed you do this very thing so beautifully 15 months ago at the conclusion of the Homecoming 2016, and I just wanted to remind you of it. At that time you addressed all individually while clearly being informed and propelled by a very resonant place within the heart of your being. I've recently been going through stages of my own heart coming into better alignment with my deeper being, and I felt moved to offer you some encouragement and support. After several drafts, I see that maybe what I was trying to express is that, as you plow through your doings, service offered from that "resonant place within the heart of your being" is maybe more fun than when offering the same from a place of strife and struggle? Nice work, if you can get it, eh?