12-29-2017, 11:21 PM
Consider the following:
For the wanderer the goal is awaken, balance, shed karma, and perform your mission. If you have a compulsion to polarize toward service to others, enjoy ensuring your return to fourth after completing your mission. If you have a compulsion to learn/teach, enjoy ensuring your return to fifth after completing your mission. If you have a compulsion to enlighten by providing an example of a life lived unifying love of self with love of others thereby living the Law of One, enjoy ensuring your return to sixth after completing your mission.
We love you all...
For the wanderer the goal is awaken, balance, shed karma, and perform your mission. If you have a compulsion to polarize toward service to others, enjoy ensuring your return to fourth after completing your mission. If you have a compulsion to learn/teach, enjoy ensuring your return to fifth after completing your mission. If you have a compulsion to enlighten by providing an example of a life lived unifying love of self with love of others thereby living the Law of One, enjoy ensuring your return to sixth after completing your mission.
We love you all...