Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote:I don't understand how you don't see prejudice in your post.
Point out the prejudice in my post please, write it down word for word.
Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote:So I'm going to just note this for you, you say this movement isn't about me, but then you state its for abused men.
It's for all women and a small percentage of sexually harassed or abused men, do you fall inside this category?
Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote:And it's very saddening to see you still label men sexual predators, all men (99.999999 percent of them anyway)
Good heavens, is there something wrong with your reading ability? I said 99.999999% of sexual predators are men, not 99.999999% of men are sexual predators... I thought if I spelled out word for word what this movement was about, it would eliminate all confusion, but I didn't account for the likes of you it seems.
Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote:I'm guessing you think I'm a sexual predator [...] It's extremely hurtful to be called something so horrible, you don't even seem to realize how hurtful your words have become.
And now this whopper! How do you deduce from my post that I think (or have called you) a sexual predator?
Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote:I must reluctantly say, you remind me of one of the girls that abused me, that makes me incredibly cautious now. So I will refrain from here on out.
And I must reluctantly admit that I think you are devoid of sound reasoning. It's also interesting to me how you always lament about how you can't endure all the suffering in this world any longer, naming the rape of women specifically in these soliloquies of yours, and when the opportunity arose to add your voice in support of these women, you decided to undermine the movement.