Hi, I just wanted to say come back if you feel like it’s part of your journey.
I’m not sure if this departure is because of some sort of shame or self rejection.
If so know you ARE accepted here. You are bright spot.
We are all so different and that’s awesome.
I took some time away a while back. Maybe that’s all you need a break or maybe longer.
I hope whatever you decide you will know you have a base of support here and we are rooting for you.
I’m not sure if this departure is because of some sort of shame or self rejection.
If so know you ARE accepted here. You are bright spot.
We are all so different and that’s awesome.
I took some time away a while back. Maybe that’s all you need a break or maybe longer.
I hope whatever you decide you will know you have a base of support here and we are rooting for you.