11-30-2017, 08:50 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-30-2017, 08:59 PM by AnthroHeart.)
My mom always asks "did you get my meds?" or "did you get the mail?" and never asks how my day was.
She'll insult me on Facebook to all her friends there. She doesn't even care that I let her live here with no rent and no paying of utilities.
And she wants me to lend her $10,000 saying she'll pay me back while she's on SSI making $700/month plus the $800/month I give her for working to take care of her.
I do get about $2000 in disability per month, but that'll change when Social Security Disability goes through and I make less.
She's proven in the past that her word is unreliable. She refused to reimburse me for shipping her dog to her and paying for the ticket.
She took $1000 from me and claims that it's ok because it's in a CD that I can't touch for a year.
And plus I gave her $1000 + paid for her dentures a few years ago.
She says that it's my job to make her happy.
But I try to take the high road. I know that by sending her love when she's having her profanity shouting conniption fit, she'll become aware of that after we both pass on. Just have to wait for karma instead of trying to do something myself.
After we both pass on we'll see how we each got on each other's nerves. She blames me for her unhappiness.
She often says she wishes she were dead in order to try to make me react. She likes to call me incompetent behind my back.
She'll insult me on Facebook to all her friends there. She doesn't even care that I let her live here with no rent and no paying of utilities.
And she wants me to lend her $10,000 saying she'll pay me back while she's on SSI making $700/month plus the $800/month I give her for working to take care of her.
I do get about $2000 in disability per month, but that'll change when Social Security Disability goes through and I make less.
She's proven in the past that her word is unreliable. She refused to reimburse me for shipping her dog to her and paying for the ticket.
She took $1000 from me and claims that it's ok because it's in a CD that I can't touch for a year.
And plus I gave her $1000 + paid for her dentures a few years ago.
She says that it's my job to make her happy.
But I try to take the high road. I know that by sending her love when she's having her profanity shouting conniption fit, she'll become aware of that after we both pass on. Just have to wait for karma instead of trying to do something myself.
After we both pass on we'll see how we each got on each other's nerves. She blames me for her unhappiness.
She often says she wishes she were dead in order to try to make me react. She likes to call me incompetent behind my back.