11-27-2017, 07:34 PM
Meditation is relief from the onslaught of catalyst.
There is nothing more valuable than knowing the self. Meditation is the most efficient way to find yourself.
As time goes on I become more practiced at meditation. It ironic to say practiced because the goal is integration thru experiential terms of catalyst. The mental healing disciplines Ra outlines give importance to knowing and accept the self and other self and observing ratios of the mind. The two balancing exercises most helpful are to find love in the moment and to gaze into a mirror. The profundities partially peeked at thru the veil are best articulated thru the kabbalah or in my opinion tarot.
Knowing the self is hard work. When I started meditating I could not grasp the essence (idk what to call it). Ra talks about deciding to love as being the most important decision you can make with regards to further life experience. It's hard to see the decision to love as being applicable in the unkind world. Then I resolved to heal myself.
It is always to meditation I turn. Ra describes clearing meditation and visualization meditation. By the same token Edgar Cayce describe listening to the creator (meditation) and talking to the creator (prayer).
I don't believe daily meditation is necessary. So much is dependent on the emotional state you are in. Time and time again I have found meditation to calm the waters of my Spirit. Fundamental difficulties, while ultimately resting in lack of honesty with self, are challenging to clearly describe. Thus the answer must be found by going deeper into the waters to tap the virgin mind.
How my practice developed was at first very unbalanced. Gaining balance is a very pragmatic thing. Meditation is the key. Silence is the door to open.
There is nothing more valuable than knowing the self. Meditation is the most efficient way to find yourself.
As time goes on I become more practiced at meditation. It ironic to say practiced because the goal is integration thru experiential terms of catalyst. The mental healing disciplines Ra outlines give importance to knowing and accept the self and other self and observing ratios of the mind. The two balancing exercises most helpful are to find love in the moment and to gaze into a mirror. The profundities partially peeked at thru the veil are best articulated thru the kabbalah or in my opinion tarot.
Knowing the self is hard work. When I started meditating I could not grasp the essence (idk what to call it). Ra talks about deciding to love as being the most important decision you can make with regards to further life experience. It's hard to see the decision to love as being applicable in the unkind world. Then I resolved to heal myself.
It is always to meditation I turn. Ra describes clearing meditation and visualization meditation. By the same token Edgar Cayce describe listening to the creator (meditation) and talking to the creator (prayer).
I don't believe daily meditation is necessary. So much is dependent on the emotional state you are in. Time and time again I have found meditation to calm the waters of my Spirit. Fundamental difficulties, while ultimately resting in lack of honesty with self, are challenging to clearly describe. Thus the answer must be found by going deeper into the waters to tap the virgin mind.
How my practice developed was at first very unbalanced. Gaining balance is a very pragmatic thing. Meditation is the key. Silence is the door to open.