11-25-2017, 05:31 AM
My honest opinion is that all voices and thoughts that come from internally are yours even if they have an external cause as their source, I say this because it is your mind conjuring up that thought and voice, even if it comes from another, they are using your mind to produce that thought and voice.
You could not have thought it were it not your thought to be had.
However there is folly in this way of viewing things as polarity wise at later stages of rapid polarization one does begin to experience an increase in that type of catalyst which can be seen as disturbing inserted thoughts.
Why I myself in 2014 during one morning as I was falling asleep (since I worked overnights) remember how in my fading consciousness I was absentmindedly thinking to myself of love and Jesus, and how I wanted to be loving to everything, and this voice asked if I would even be willing to love my murderer, and in thinking yes, I instantly felt this murderous intent, and in my half asleep state BELIEVED I was about to be killed, I flung up in bed, wide-eyed terrified and completely awake.
That was clearly a greeting for me back then, and overall I can attribute that the murderous voice could have either come from myself or another, and the ONLY REASON I posit it was another is because of the intensity of that sensation of murderous intent, were it myself it may have just faded into a dark dream, but to so CLEARLY manifest as this moment where I was certain without a doubt that I was in danger, tells me it wasn't me, as I wouldn't be able to willingly go that far into legitimate murderous intent.
I know that because I've felt murderous intent in the form of many a murder fantasy back in 2015, and those moments pale in extreme comparison to that shining moment of discovering for the first time the terror of feeling like I was going to be killed.
Carla was somewhat an expert in handling these kinds of discussions.
I do not hate or fear that entity that offered me the catalyst of knowing what it's like to have someone with very deep sincere murderous intent directed at you, rather it taught me what I was up against, and it is actually a moment I cherish for in the complete safety of my bed, I was met with the catalyst of terror from believing I was going to be murdered. At no point was I ever in danger, but because of a negative greeting, I was able to know what it felt like to be in danger from the total safety of my bed. That taught me a greater appreciation for that safety, and that danger.
This also was accompanied with sensations in a half asleep state of the sound of my teeth crumbling (and the first few times subsequent visits to the bathroom checking my teeth), the sensation of a blanket catching my toenail and tearing it off, when such didn't happen, and such tactile stimulation's like that. I seemed to be a bit vulnerable while heading to sleep when I didn't thank the world and bid it good night before going to bed.
Anyways to get back on track with your OP, sorry about that, I tend to go off on tangents.
Thoughts from Spirit Guides:
It is my sincere belief that Guides can do MUCH MORE with us than just put thoughts in our heads, I believe they can trigger automatic 'reflex' circuits in the brain, such as the trained act of checking one's phone, so as to make us check our phone at a specific time, like 1:44. Or to look left or right at a clock just in time to see it change to a synchronicity. I even believe guides can put very specific information in the back of our minds to come up in the form of intuited information.
Spirit Guides are extremely wise when it comes to how to interact with you, they won't give you a full sentence of a thought as much as an elegant subtle thought, such as giving you the sensation to go grab a glass of water if you're upset, or to make you go out shopping at a certain time to help you run into synchronicities, such as 'just beating the rush', by showing up right before a bunch of other people do.
Thoughts inserted by spirit guides are very well made to appear as coming from yourself, so the next time you have a sudden random idea pop into your head that leads you to a good experience, don't forget to thank your guides.
I do not believe Angels have a need to transmit thoughts to us the way our Guides do (unless they're a guardian angel but I view Guardian Angels as Spirit Guides), but I do believe Angels work more closely on the level of emotion, so an interaction with an Angelic entity may leave one feeling uplifted or suddenly at ease and calm, or on the flip side, the entity may even leave you feeling a bit drained from the intensity of their energy intermingling with yours. It can be very hard to discern when an Angel has touched your life, but some would have me believing Angel's touch our lives daily, even hourly. I think this isn't wrong, but I think some people have a much more urgent need for angelic interactions than others, hence why Guardian Angels seem to be popular, and why I might equate them to Spirit Guides.
A Negative Entity is much easier to discern unless they're crazy intelligent about how they go about it. Carla felt phantom sensations of stepping on creatures as one way an entity would insert it's thoughts into her, and the entity bugging her was like a boss variant of the typical entities we would worry about. It was much more capable at spontaneously inflaming her preplanned catalytic responses. It didn't need to insert thoughts, it could insert pain!
So, for us, when we feel an uncharacteristic darkness in a thought, a tinge of that shadow self manifest into vivid being, a moment of shock at the thought, or even a subtle thought such as not wanting to pass the salt at dinner, or clean the dishes afterwards.
Overall irregardless of the greeting, it is very important to meet it as if you were meeting yourself, and to accept it with lovingly declining the offered catalyst while, again, lovingly showing affection for what was attempting to be done, to give you catalyst.
Catalyst is a good thing, gifting it to us, one can wonder how a negative entity can be called negative when they precipitate some of the greatest positive polarizations there could be.
Of course great discernment is always helpful, but overall meditating on certain thoughts to discern their source as being from self or another is paramount in actually personally knowing.
If you don't meditate on such things, you will be left to pure intellectualized speculation, and that will not hit the mark of accuracy for these kinds of things as nearly often as if one meditated on these things instead of purely speculating.
You could not have thought it were it not your thought to be had.
However there is folly in this way of viewing things as polarity wise at later stages of rapid polarization one does begin to experience an increase in that type of catalyst which can be seen as disturbing inserted thoughts.
Why I myself in 2014 during one morning as I was falling asleep (since I worked overnights) remember how in my fading consciousness I was absentmindedly thinking to myself of love and Jesus, and how I wanted to be loving to everything, and this voice asked if I would even be willing to love my murderer, and in thinking yes, I instantly felt this murderous intent, and in my half asleep state BELIEVED I was about to be killed, I flung up in bed, wide-eyed terrified and completely awake.
That was clearly a greeting for me back then, and overall I can attribute that the murderous voice could have either come from myself or another, and the ONLY REASON I posit it was another is because of the intensity of that sensation of murderous intent, were it myself it may have just faded into a dark dream, but to so CLEARLY manifest as this moment where I was certain without a doubt that I was in danger, tells me it wasn't me, as I wouldn't be able to willingly go that far into legitimate murderous intent.
I know that because I've felt murderous intent in the form of many a murder fantasy back in 2015, and those moments pale in extreme comparison to that shining moment of discovering for the first time the terror of feeling like I was going to be killed.
Carla was somewhat an expert in handling these kinds of discussions.
I do not hate or fear that entity that offered me the catalyst of knowing what it's like to have someone with very deep sincere murderous intent directed at you, rather it taught me what I was up against, and it is actually a moment I cherish for in the complete safety of my bed, I was met with the catalyst of terror from believing I was going to be murdered. At no point was I ever in danger, but because of a negative greeting, I was able to know what it felt like to be in danger from the total safety of my bed. That taught me a greater appreciation for that safety, and that danger.
This also was accompanied with sensations in a half asleep state of the sound of my teeth crumbling (and the first few times subsequent visits to the bathroom checking my teeth), the sensation of a blanket catching my toenail and tearing it off, when such didn't happen, and such tactile stimulation's like that. I seemed to be a bit vulnerable while heading to sleep when I didn't thank the world and bid it good night before going to bed.
Anyways to get back on track with your OP, sorry about that, I tend to go off on tangents.
Thoughts from Spirit Guides:
It is my sincere belief that Guides can do MUCH MORE with us than just put thoughts in our heads, I believe they can trigger automatic 'reflex' circuits in the brain, such as the trained act of checking one's phone, so as to make us check our phone at a specific time, like 1:44. Or to look left or right at a clock just in time to see it change to a synchronicity. I even believe guides can put very specific information in the back of our minds to come up in the form of intuited information.
Spirit Guides are extremely wise when it comes to how to interact with you, they won't give you a full sentence of a thought as much as an elegant subtle thought, such as giving you the sensation to go grab a glass of water if you're upset, or to make you go out shopping at a certain time to help you run into synchronicities, such as 'just beating the rush', by showing up right before a bunch of other people do.
Thoughts inserted by spirit guides are very well made to appear as coming from yourself, so the next time you have a sudden random idea pop into your head that leads you to a good experience, don't forget to thank your guides.
I do not believe Angels have a need to transmit thoughts to us the way our Guides do (unless they're a guardian angel but I view Guardian Angels as Spirit Guides), but I do believe Angels work more closely on the level of emotion, so an interaction with an Angelic entity may leave one feeling uplifted or suddenly at ease and calm, or on the flip side, the entity may even leave you feeling a bit drained from the intensity of their energy intermingling with yours. It can be very hard to discern when an Angel has touched your life, but some would have me believing Angel's touch our lives daily, even hourly. I think this isn't wrong, but I think some people have a much more urgent need for angelic interactions than others, hence why Guardian Angels seem to be popular, and why I might equate them to Spirit Guides.
A Negative Entity is much easier to discern unless they're crazy intelligent about how they go about it. Carla felt phantom sensations of stepping on creatures as one way an entity would insert it's thoughts into her, and the entity bugging her was like a boss variant of the typical entities we would worry about. It was much more capable at spontaneously inflaming her preplanned catalytic responses. It didn't need to insert thoughts, it could insert pain!
So, for us, when we feel an uncharacteristic darkness in a thought, a tinge of that shadow self manifest into vivid being, a moment of shock at the thought, or even a subtle thought such as not wanting to pass the salt at dinner, or clean the dishes afterwards.
Overall irregardless of the greeting, it is very important to meet it as if you were meeting yourself, and to accept it with lovingly declining the offered catalyst while, again, lovingly showing affection for what was attempting to be done, to give you catalyst.
Catalyst is a good thing, gifting it to us, one can wonder how a negative entity can be called negative when they precipitate some of the greatest positive polarizations there could be.
Of course great discernment is always helpful, but overall meditating on certain thoughts to discern their source as being from self or another is paramount in actually personally knowing.
If you don't meditate on such things, you will be left to pure intellectualized speculation, and that will not hit the mark of accuracy for these kinds of things as nearly often as if one meditated on these things instead of purely speculating.