Thanks to you all for your perspective, and insight. I have taken the day to really weigh your thoughts to see what they tell me about my own. I appreciate your help sincerely. You guys are all so amazing and thoughtful.
I don't think anything you say is wrong. I guess in new age there is so much push for others to awaken, but really I almost wonder if that isn't impatience from those of us wanting to just all join together and move towards unity in one bold move. Dissolve even the illusion of the boundaries these bodies impose. Its a beautiful thing to know yourself and to feel that incredible love for EVERYONE, personally it is still a tease for me as I long for everyone else to forget they are separate from me too.
So there you see I do love 3d only I'd really like to explore oneness from within 3d as few boundaries as possible. Ego not fully awakened because I do have more to explore in the flesh. I'm not sure if that made sense to others. It is sort of a paradox I guess, and greedy to want to explore the point i crave in creation the most membrane thin expression of separation within unity.
Still I know its not my place to chose when anyone else awakens, enjoy the sleep even if some nightmares are mixed in.
His alcohol is excessive, he has so much to wash away, his incessant need to keep busy so he never rests or heals, all so he can outrun the mind, I just see now if he can fool himself a while longer before facing it, why not. Its going to be so much to face.
I hope he has an amazing time.
Thanks for all you wrote I will reread it again as you touched on a lot that makes sense.
And second point I am getting the feeling today that he is going to be facing himself more shortly. I have had premonitions of his life that all came true, i have not consciously "seen" beyond this point but its possible seeing this new way yesterday is me getting cold feet in regards to all the wishing to hurry things along, like that moment of hesitation before something happens. I just hope he doesn't push himself like I do/did. Almost killed me. Im much more ok with him sleeping while he can if it keeps him safe/happy as possible.
Thanks for the perspective, maybe I can add some times of less urgent seeking to my rhythym. Many thanks
That too is great insight. Softening things with self medicating, I never really saw it that way but I can see it for sure.
When I drank it was for sheer escape, now when I drink its for the occasional time of relaxed bonding, I really see what you mean though it could just step you back enough so you could stomach facing something horrible.... no wonder the creator is infinite so many ways to see/do/experience everything.
Thanks everyONE
(11-23-2017, 06:58 PM)Elros Wrote: Where did you get the idea that sleep is undesirable?
Way I see it is that there's been quite the great effort to mold this place into offering this sleep you are speaking of, this degree of it is like everything souls here are here for through whichever conscious or unconscious will they contain. Also, I think in a way being aware of separation is just a middle way to be asleep, if you were really awake then there would be only unity to be aware of because it is the root of all separation.
e.g. Is it sad that a month ago was a month ago and that now is now, or is the time that separates a force of love working unity?
I think balanced awakening is what Ra speaks of when talking about the perfectly balanced entity. There's no harshness in feeling love for each and every thing love is here, and feeling otherwise is being blinded by beliefs of separation, which awakening tend to make surface because to be beyond them is sought by the one who attracts catalyst.
[Cause] *I feel I want to be a great badass love beacon that goes astral pew pew pew bom boom light/love love/light heals every1 ez pz, I can take y'all in me and make ya'll feel fucking unity know what I'm sayin?*
[Effect] *attracts catalyst that teaches me each and every place where I fall short of becoming what I desire to become*
I nvmed writing in YY's ayahuasca thread the other day that I often felt like everything that awakens you most somewhat ruins most your incarnation. By that I speak of a need to reincarnate over a set of lifetimes to find a right nexus of realizing something. The third thought I had on my first salvia experience (total memory loss at that because I couldn't have said my own name, living location, etc) was that thing isn't right to be here and so easily accessible, it's a game-breaker.
Anyhow, all last things attempt to reflect how I feel that this quality of sleep you speak of truly is what we are meant to figure to love in incarnation. If you can realize unity whilst asleep there's a power within that, it is much unlike knowing that this is truth whatever you may feel within the strings of yourself as a self or what is felt through the strings of beingness as your other-selves.
I don't think it's bad to awaken either, who here doesn't love 3D in truth?
I don't think anything you say is wrong. I guess in new age there is so much push for others to awaken, but really I almost wonder if that isn't impatience from those of us wanting to just all join together and move towards unity in one bold move. Dissolve even the illusion of the boundaries these bodies impose. Its a beautiful thing to know yourself and to feel that incredible love for EVERYONE, personally it is still a tease for me as I long for everyone else to forget they are separate from me too.
So there you see I do love 3d only I'd really like to explore oneness from within 3d as few boundaries as possible. Ego not fully awakened because I do have more to explore in the flesh. I'm not sure if that made sense to others. It is sort of a paradox I guess, and greedy to want to explore the point i crave in creation the most membrane thin expression of separation within unity.
Still I know its not my place to chose when anyone else awakens, enjoy the sleep even if some nightmares are mixed in.
(11-24-2017, 10:22 AM)Nau7ik Wrote: Drinking and drugs are very harmful. I wouldn’t encourage a friend to keep doing it. It doesn’t work. It’s an attempt to block out the pain, which only makes it worse. Speaking from experiencing here! It’s far better to face the pain. You can get through it, and then you’ll be at more peace. (Although at the time, one may think it’s never going to be resolved. That It’s too difficult.)Trust me I wish I could protect him from the harm he does to his body. I agree with you in so many ways but I can only give him as much support as he wants then have to let him deal with the rest as he chooses, his catalyst is acting on his body, we talk honestly.
To those who sleep, let them. It’s okay if people don’t want to face the self yet. It’s bexoming increasingly more difficult not to. And the problems resulting from that mount up.
The love that you feel for your friends needs balanced with wisdom, in my opinion. To tell him to keep doing what he’s doing if it works is not properly applied here because drinking and drugs are self destructive and only make the pain worse, because it’s being so violently rejected and denied. That’s not kind to the self. The shadow just wants to be accepted.
Maybe you’re hearing or sensing a subconscious call for help with him? If you are indeed sensing a call, get creative with how you may respond to it. What does he need that he’s subconsciously calling for? The purity of intention is what matters here, not so much whether one is successful in the service or not.
Just my opinion, take it or leave it...
His alcohol is excessive, he has so much to wash away, his incessant need to keep busy so he never rests or heals, all so he can outrun the mind, I just see now if he can fool himself a while longer before facing it, why not. Its going to be so much to face.
I hope he has an amazing time.
(11-24-2017, 10:42 AM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: The satisfaction that comes from "sleeping" is a shallow satisfaction, a satisfaction based on comfort for the physical body. Upon death, we are much more "satisfied" with a life "awake" than "sleeping". So it's about immediate satisfaction vs delayed satisfaction.Agree with you on all points. Thanks for the Ra quotes too.
Quote:89.30 Questioner: Would Ra’s attitude toward the same unharvestable entities be different at this nexus than at the time of harvest of third density?
Ra: I am Ra. Not substantially. To those who wish to sleep we could only offer those comforts designed for the sleeping. Service is only possible to the extent it is requested. We were ready to serve in whatever way we could. This still seems satisfactory as a means of dealing with other-selves in third density. It is our feeling that to be each entity which one attempts to serve is to simplify the grasp of what service is necessary or possible.
According to Ra, it seems that if one wants to sleep, that their action in that instance is to enable it. Which seems crazy. But hey, no use trying to wake someone up if they aren't ready. We know how to wake ourselves up! - even if it takes eons.
(11-24-2017, 12:41 PM)rva_jeremy Wrote: Hey Glow, I'm on your side. One of the features of service that I feel is the hardest to grasp in our rule-based, morality-ridden, ideological world is that the kind of truly touching service that really gets through to people is not based on broad, impersonal principles but is very intimate, individual-to-individual. That means when one serves, one serves best when serving a particular aspect of the Creator, a particular individual on a particular path. To actually meet a unique part of the Creator where they're at on their terms takes a lot of balance for the person serving, because it means you can't simply apply stock rules and principles but instead have to "freestyle channel" the love and light to a completely new situation.Thanks for understanding my perspective, and giving me more to think about. Also appreciate the pat on the back as a friend. I really try hard but it litterally blew my mind when I told him to keep doing it if it works. I am so aware of health effects and dont want to see him get sick but I finally see its not my place to decide, I might even be scared for how hard it will be for him. So much to learn. I guess that's why I am still here.
I think this is a lot of the problem with charity and social work, for instance. Well-meaning folks are often induced to view a disadvantaged person as a single, deracinated, featureless instance of a more general mass social problem rather than a unique individual with a path, a history, a way of expressing the Creator that deserves individual attention. To serve them best is to serve them in their individuality, not simply them in their superficial role within our yellow-ray matrix of relations.
What matters is not so much what you say as the sincerity with which you say it, the connection you convey by saying it, the love you demonstrate in speaking to a unique situation, the care you show in taking the time and effort to make this particular person the valued center of your attention. That speaks louder than the words. And I know that, having dispensed this advice, you will also be there for them in the future, holding their hand as they stumble, celebrating them as they pick themselves up, reflecting the best within them as a matter of pure being.
To deal with the specifics: I don't think it's wrong to allow people to sleep, to allow people to self-medicate. What's the alternative? Compulsion to move forward before they're ready? No, free will must be held paramount. That doesn't mean "tough love" is somehow always wrong; it just means "tough love" has to speak, once again, to a particular condition, not a general condition.
I applaud your desire to reflect on these questions. This is how we balance our service within the illusion. Good luck to you and especially your friend, who is lucky to have you.
Thanks for all you wrote I will reread it again as you touched on a lot that makes sense.
(11-24-2017, 01:32 PM)peregrine Wrote: Glow, I would say that if he knows the drinking may not soothe his discomfort much longer, then he's not entirely asleep.See and I never really noticed how crappy my rhythm is. I push myself so hard in this need to see clearly but you are right. A different style even one that appears like denial might just be a really appropriate and conservative but nurturing pace to face things. Not everything has to be like ripping off a band aide.
We all have our rhythms to which we respond. I have certainly spent lots of time dodging my deeper knowing and feelings and plenty of time working with them. We all ride the waves, trough to peak to trough to peak, don't we? Frequencies and amplitudes vary, indeed, but the idea is the same, it seems to moi.
I would just highlight your attitude of acceptance and suggest that this will serve you well.
And second point I am getting the feeling today that he is going to be facing himself more shortly. I have had premonitions of his life that all came true, i have not consciously "seen" beyond this point but its possible seeing this new way yesterday is me getting cold feet in regards to all the wishing to hurry things along, like that moment of hesitation before something happens. I just hope he doesn't push himself like I do/did. Almost killed me. Im much more ok with him sleeping while he can if it keeps him safe/happy as possible.
Thanks for the perspective, maybe I can add some times of less urgent seeking to my rhythym. Many thanks
(11-24-2017, 03:22 PM)anagogy Wrote:(11-23-2017, 06:17 PM)Glow Wrote: What is the point of being awake if you can sleep comfortably?
Obviously I couldn’t sleep hence why I’m here but for those that can why not?
Many people don't self medicate to completely eradicate catalyst but rather, to merely soften it. This allows them to step back and look at it more intellectually (if they actually do this rather than merely getting distracted by other things that become attractive when the pain is temporarily relieved).
But by and large, pleasure puts you to sleep, and pain wakes you up. And in fact, this is the metaphysical purpose of aversion (that which we call "pain" on any level of our Beingness). It is the archetypal aspect of the One that allows us to feel when we are drifting away from unity and more towards entropy.
The things that temporarily stave off catalyst are also archetypically designed to be temporary. For example, this is why there is something like "tolerance". Eventually you become faced with the unpleasant decision to either destroy the Self or face the Self. Many choose to simply destroy the self (by taking ever increasing amounts of the substance they have become tolerant of). You can't put off karma forever!
That too is great insight. Softening things with self medicating, I never really saw it that way but I can see it for sure.
When I drank it was for sheer escape, now when I drink its for the occasional time of relaxed bonding, I really see what you mean though it could just step you back enough so you could stomach facing something horrible.... no wonder the creator is infinite so many ways to see/do/experience everything.
Thanks everyONE