Where did you get the idea that sleep is undesirable?
Way I see it is that there's been quite the great effort to mold this place into offering this sleep you are speaking of, this degree of it is like everything souls here are here for through whichever conscious or unconscious will they contain. Also, I think in a way being aware of separation is just a middle way to be asleep, if you were really awake then there would be only unity to be aware of because it is the root of all separation.
e.g. Is it sad that a month ago was a month ago and that now is now, or is the time that separates a force of love working unity?
I think balanced awakening is what Ra speaks of when talking about the perfectly balanced entity. There's no harshness in feeling love for each and every thing love is here, and feeling otherwise is being blinded by beliefs of separation, which awakening tend to make surface because to be beyond them is sought by the one who attracts catalyst.
[Cause] *I feel I want to be a great badass love beacon that goes astral pew pew pew bom boom light/love love/light heals every1 ez pz, I can take y'all in me and make ya'll feel fucking unity know what I'm sayin?*
[Effect] *attracts catalyst that teaches me each and every place where I fall short of becoming what I desire to become*
I nvmed writing in YY's ayahuasca thread the other day that I often felt like everything that awakens you most somewhat ruins most your incarnation. By that I speak of a need to reincarnate over a set of lifetimes to find a right nexus of realizing something. The third thought I had on my first salvia experience (total memory loss at that because I couldn't have said my own name, living location, etc) was that thing isn't right to be here and so easily accessible, it's a game-breaker.
Anyhow, all last things attempt to reflect how I feel that this quality of sleep you speak of truly is what we are meant to figure to love in incarnation. If you can realize unity whilst asleep there's a power within that, it is much unlike knowing that this is truth whatever you may feel within the strings of yourself as a self or what is felt through the strings of beingness as your other-selves.
I don't think it's bad to awaken either, who here doesn't love 3D in truth?
Way I see it is that there's been quite the great effort to mold this place into offering this sleep you are speaking of, this degree of it is like everything souls here are here for through whichever conscious or unconscious will they contain. Also, I think in a way being aware of separation is just a middle way to be asleep, if you were really awake then there would be only unity to be aware of because it is the root of all separation.
e.g. Is it sad that a month ago was a month ago and that now is now, or is the time that separates a force of love working unity?
I think balanced awakening is what Ra speaks of when talking about the perfectly balanced entity. There's no harshness in feeling love for each and every thing love is here, and feeling otherwise is being blinded by beliefs of separation, which awakening tend to make surface because to be beyond them is sought by the one who attracts catalyst.
[Cause] *I feel I want to be a great badass love beacon that goes astral pew pew pew bom boom light/love love/light heals every1 ez pz, I can take y'all in me and make ya'll feel fucking unity know what I'm sayin?*
[Effect] *attracts catalyst that teaches me each and every place where I fall short of becoming what I desire to become*
I nvmed writing in YY's ayahuasca thread the other day that I often felt like everything that awakens you most somewhat ruins most your incarnation. By that I speak of a need to reincarnate over a set of lifetimes to find a right nexus of realizing something. The third thought I had on my first salvia experience (total memory loss at that because I couldn't have said my own name, living location, etc) was that thing isn't right to be here and so easily accessible, it's a game-breaker.
Anyhow, all last things attempt to reflect how I feel that this quality of sleep you speak of truly is what we are meant to figure to love in incarnation. If you can realize unity whilst asleep there's a power within that, it is much unlike knowing that this is truth whatever you may feel within the strings of yourself as a self or what is felt through the strings of beingness as your other-selves.
I don't think it's bad to awaken either, who here doesn't love 3D in truth?