11-17-2017, 09:28 PM
What keeps you going? The very few threads I've read in depth here make me want to meditate (I guess I should read more of them?), in a bad way though; haha, if that's even possible. It's like I get a glimpse into the endless mentations and intellectual acrobatics of the ego and I'm just like, "Jesus fucking Christ, this is fucking ridiculous; I'm just gonna go meditate forever." Do I? f*** no! That would be too productive! Instead, I've got to find more ways to waste time and write this stupid fucking post and be like, "Why is everyone fucking nuts?" and I'm like "You know why you stupid sonnuvabitch! It's to show you how fucking crazy you are!" and then I pat myself on the back at how above it all I am and with 'firm resolve' decide not to read this stupid s*** anymore and meditate more frequently and prepare for my fast and bullshit like that. Then I put my hand on my mouse, and move my little cursor on over to the "Post reply" button and I'm like, "Oh yeah, people are going to love this post, I'm gonna get so many likes."