(11-14-2017, 08:50 AM)anagogy Wrote: However, as I said, each density upwards allows the consciousness to partake ever more purely of the creation, so a 4th density being is not going to partake of any of the levels as purely as an even higher density being will. Each evolution allows one to use the 7 planes in a more pure and refined way. A 3rd density being may travel to the buddhic plane if they are adept enough, but even though it is violet ray energy, they will not partake of that plane as purely as a 7th density Logos will partake of that plane.
I understand. As Latwii said here:
Quote:It is not a question of location, my brother, for the dimensions are interpenetrating. However, you exist in denser and denser vibrations, according to your abilities. All of you exist into the fourth dimension, and there are adepts among you who are working at this time, actively, in the fifth dimension and are attempting to understand some of the teachings of the inner realms of the sixth dimension. There are a few people who work as far as the eighth, but there are two within this room who have seen it in visions and are aware of its nature, although they could not maintain it for any length of time. This is the octave of your universe, and these are the dimensions of that octave. To go beyond that, you must be free of your chemical body; and therefore we are talking to a roomful of those who are not going to be doing that any time terribly soon; however, there are many, many infinities to explore within those dimensions and much wisdom to learn. Therefore, we urge you onward; for the path becomes lighter, the teachings truer, and the laughter happier.
This means that the inner planes of a density can't be access for one lower density entity.
(11-14-2017, 08:50 AM)anagogy Wrote: I realize it is a lot to take in. The metaphysical structures are complex, but fascinating.
I agree. I have memories of phenomena in the astral plane which are impossible of describe.