(11-13-2017, 10:25 AM)Aleksi Wrote: I had a conversation with a voice and it tried to lie to me all kinds of bullshit, I asked it to leave and then tried commanding it and either it didn't work or as I suspect there were many entities attached to me. I prayed angels to make them leave and help me protect myself. Now the shadow is still here but I feel love instead of fear.
Aleksi, GentleWanderer's reference to my post is right on target. What you're describing is a part of self - an autonomous sub-personality. We all have them, but most of the time don't realize that our thoughts and feelings come from many different such parts - we're just aware of the thoughts and feelings. But sometimes it becomes obvious that different parts speak to us, each in its own distinct "voice".
Arguing with parts never ever achieves anything. You can command the voice to "shut up", but it'll only obey for a very short while, then return.
The only way to heal a part is with love. It may seem absurd to love a hateful voice -- but realize that it's only a part of you expressing its pain and distortion. It's analogous to physical pain - if your head hurts, you don't begin hating your head for it; instead you look for ways to soothe and comfort it, because it's a part of you that's in pain. The voice you're hearing is simply another part of you that's in pain, and love is the medicine it needs.
By Love I simply mean kindness, compassion, caring. Focus on that voice, don't be afraid of it - all it can do is yak at you, it truly cannot harm you in any way, whatsoever. It's all bark and no bite, like a loud but tiny little dog.
So you can focus on the voice inside you, without fear because there's nothing to be afraid of, and notice where you seem to feel it in your body.
If you notice any fear, anger or any other negative feelings toward the part, then simply ask those feelings to step back and relax - and notice how your feelings toward the part suddenly change.
Then treat that part of you like a screaming baby. Hold it, soothe it, comfort it, even if it hurls insults at you. Doesn't matter. That's what unconditional love is. And it heals ALL inner distortions, I promise. I've done this myself more times than I can count. It will take a few minutes of you just sitting there and listening to its nonsense, but you will begin to notice it relaxing and easing up, and if you continue, eventually it will disappear altogether as it heals and dissolves.
To understand more about this phenomenon, I recommend this website:
It's by the founder of IFS Therapy, psychologist Richard Schwartz Ph.D. He describes several examples of working with the parts of his clients. Your best bet is to find an IFS therapist - there's a directory on that website. It's the only model that understands where "voices" such as yours come from and how to treat them.
Please feel free to ask me any questions over direct message, and best of luck to you!