11-29-2010, 09:00 PM
(11-29-2010, 07:06 PM)Ankh Wrote: Unity100 - I am not sure I understand what you are saying? You are way ahead of me in your thoughts I think and/or I am not following your argument because of the linguistic problems. Could you please clarify your point?
anything in this universe (or maybe octave) has a violet balance.
2d entity. has violet balance. 3d entity, has it. every entity that is enspirited, has it. it is probable that all entities have it. but, for lower than 2d, it manifests more as a group balance.
violet balance is the true indicator of the total nature of the entity. that is also analogous with the 7d, ie, violet density being the entity in which totalities come to being.
basically you are what your violet is.
violet balance is more than just a significator of the entity's overall balance and its vibrational level (or native density). it is also the total nature of the entity, its manifestation in this octave.
this violet balance, may be compatible with some other violet balance (a person), or not. similarly, it may be compatible with a certain place, situation (say a planet or planetary society, or a logos) or not.
it is a matter of compatibility.
any situation, event etc will also take place in the effect area of a logos, or a society (can be considered logos when they are complexes too), or a group of people, will have a resulting violet situation in regard to the energy model in that area, zone, event, whatever.
this, may or may not be compatible with an entity's balance.
so, this affects choices. it may be not possible for you to incarnate into, say, in the 200th sun of the 5th galaxy to the right of the great attractor. or, it may not be possible for you to incarnate in a certain time period, in earth history.
some conditions can be manageable - even if your balance doesnt fit in well, you may change, or, get help from partners, family, friends or other stuff (any kind of situation that supplements your balance with various energies), and then make that situation work.
but, if there is too much discrepancy in between the balances, it becomes unworkable.
additionally balance compared to the initial thought, or, the initial state of infinite intelligence, is an important factor.
additionally, the more imbalanced the effect area of a logos is, or a society is, the more delicate the balance situation will be. it will be harder to match entities, events, groups, societies, souls together and make it work.
this reduces freedom in that zone. entities will have to follow narrower routes that would work.
oppositely, in a zone where there is much balance, it would be easier for entities to match each other, or situations, and make them work. so, movability from zone to zone, incarnation to incarnation, (if exists as a concept in that locale), increases. this increases the potential choices for entities. because, there are more workable situations.
with the above approach, freedom would increase significantly as entities approach balance point towards end of 7d.