11-11-2017, 07:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-11-2017, 02:09 PM by Philalethist.)
Hi Dante. I hope your situation is improving! I'm sure that means a whole lot coming from some random idiot like me though...moving on!
I'm going to provide some of my personal observations about you!
Why would I do this? Well, against my better judgement, sometimes I do things for other people that I wish they would do for me if I were in their shoes. Best intentions right? Don't those always go to s***. If I were as evolved as mister Aion I'd probably realize the wisdom of treating people the way they want to be treated instead of the way I'd like them to treat me. I've still got quite a bit of stupid to work through though.
Without further ado! In my extremely fallible opinion, in what may or may not be completely unrelated to your possession, it seems to me that you remain within the grips of a powerful blockage which is called pride.
Now understand, my own spiritual seeking is more along the lines of slowly shoveling away my personal pile of spiritual dung, and undoubtedly the vast majority of spiritual seekers here are far beyond my level of development, quite probably you included. If there is one thing I believe though, first and foremost I believe in the VERY REAL possibility that, everything I do believe, may be entirely inaccurate. Without a foundation of humility such as this, enlightenment will be forever out of reach.
You display very obvious signs of extreme pride. Hypersensitivity to any perceived criticism, a belief in one's own superiority/specialness, an unwillingness to honestly consider that one might be wrong, etc. I'm sorry to say, that however arrogant it might be of me to say, it's not really up for debate whether or not this is something you have yet to move beyond; because it is glaringly obvious. Really the only toss up is whether or not you will be able to see this within yourself at this time, or if you will reject it only to eventually find your humility someday in the future. Understand that for one stuck at the level of pride, there is a fundamental belief in one's own vulnerability. That is why the prideful are so defensive. There is an image to protect. Whether the image is held up to the world or held up only to oneself, it is just the same; and in truth this image is vulnerable, which is why it requires defending.
Now the natural reaction of the prideful to being told about their pride is, of course, immediate denial; because pride is a "flaw" and one who is prideful will not see it. It is not a conscious decision to ignore it, which is why pride is a colossal obstacle for most spiritual seekers, pride is blinding. It requires a very deliberate effort to see it and transcend it and keep watch for it. I will now paraphrase some of your statements to illustrate. (some statements may be exaggerated to make a point and for comical purposes. You can take a joke... right?)
"All of you weak minded little pussies probably would have O.D.ed just to escape the torture I've had the strength and courage to endure for the last 15 years! Stop BLAMING me! I have done everything right! I have done more than you're feeble little mind can possibly imagine, certainly more than you could/would have even been able to do, to try to rid myself of this menace! There is nothing I did, no mistake I made, no part I played in creating this experience for myself other than the fact that I'm such a bright beacon of light and super advanced spiritual being that the God-like forces of darkness took notice and attacked without mercy or purpose. Either that or I'm at the center of a new way of harvesting entities and am a groundbreaking test subject in the dna/rna alteration project for the benefit of all humanity!"
I took some creative liberties, but it was with the hopes of increasing the likelihood that you might notice your own pride, which is usually unlikely; but stranger things have happened.
Regarding your possession, I suspect that your pride is also the main reason why you more or less dismissed Aion's primary advice for shedding your attacker/s. If you recall, he relayed that the only way he overcame his ordeal was by surrendering all beliefs and merging with the silence, to let go of all attachments and dwell in the sheer joy of pure existence as the field of consciousness.
(I may have added a few embellishments there.)
The key to what he said, and a suggestion that he repeatedly gave, is that you must let go of everything you believe. Let go of your conviction that 2+2=4, that water is liquid, that gravity holds you down. Maybe you don't see with your eyes, maybe you don't hear with your ears or taste with your tongue. To start, all you have to do, is say, "Maybe." Maybe, just maybe, everything that I believe is true, actually is not. Are you willing to consider the possibility that everything you believe, from your smallest assumptions to the grandest conspiracies, might not be true? Obviously everyone believes that what they believe is true, otherwise they wouldn't believe it! And of course, what YOU believe actually IS true. But let's say, hypothetically of course, that some thing or another that you believed, actually wasn't true. If you weren't even willing to SERIOUSLY consider that as a possibility, then there is no way in hell that you would learn the real truth, you'd be trapped. Now with Aion's suggestion, the way to really do it, is to simply not believe anything. You just throw out everything. You just say, "f*** if I know." You don't need to believe things to live your life anyway! Do you have to believe that gravity holds you to the floor to live your life? Nope! If it isn't true, then believing it is only going to block my mind from seeing the truth.
So hopefully my post wasn't too full of stupid! Unlikely though. Maybe you even got something out of it, my feeble attempts at being of aid are now exhausted!
Good luck with your possession stuff!
I'm going to provide some of my personal observations about you!
Why would I do this? Well, against my better judgement, sometimes I do things for other people that I wish they would do for me if I were in their shoes. Best intentions right? Don't those always go to s***. If I were as evolved as mister Aion I'd probably realize the wisdom of treating people the way they want to be treated instead of the way I'd like them to treat me. I've still got quite a bit of stupid to work through though.
Without further ado! In my extremely fallible opinion, in what may or may not be completely unrelated to your possession, it seems to me that you remain within the grips of a powerful blockage which is called pride.
Now understand, my own spiritual seeking is more along the lines of slowly shoveling away my personal pile of spiritual dung, and undoubtedly the vast majority of spiritual seekers here are far beyond my level of development, quite probably you included. If there is one thing I believe though, first and foremost I believe in the VERY REAL possibility that, everything I do believe, may be entirely inaccurate. Without a foundation of humility such as this, enlightenment will be forever out of reach.
You display very obvious signs of extreme pride. Hypersensitivity to any perceived criticism, a belief in one's own superiority/specialness, an unwillingness to honestly consider that one might be wrong, etc. I'm sorry to say, that however arrogant it might be of me to say, it's not really up for debate whether or not this is something you have yet to move beyond; because it is glaringly obvious. Really the only toss up is whether or not you will be able to see this within yourself at this time, or if you will reject it only to eventually find your humility someday in the future. Understand that for one stuck at the level of pride, there is a fundamental belief in one's own vulnerability. That is why the prideful are so defensive. There is an image to protect. Whether the image is held up to the world or held up only to oneself, it is just the same; and in truth this image is vulnerable, which is why it requires defending.
Now the natural reaction of the prideful to being told about their pride is, of course, immediate denial; because pride is a "flaw" and one who is prideful will not see it. It is not a conscious decision to ignore it, which is why pride is a colossal obstacle for most spiritual seekers, pride is blinding. It requires a very deliberate effort to see it and transcend it and keep watch for it. I will now paraphrase some of your statements to illustrate. (some statements may be exaggerated to make a point and for comical purposes. You can take a joke... right?)
"All of you weak minded little pussies probably would have O.D.ed just to escape the torture I've had the strength and courage to endure for the last 15 years! Stop BLAMING me! I have done everything right! I have done more than you're feeble little mind can possibly imagine, certainly more than you could/would have even been able to do, to try to rid myself of this menace! There is nothing I did, no mistake I made, no part I played in creating this experience for myself other than the fact that I'm such a bright beacon of light and super advanced spiritual being that the God-like forces of darkness took notice and attacked without mercy or purpose. Either that or I'm at the center of a new way of harvesting entities and am a groundbreaking test subject in the dna/rna alteration project for the benefit of all humanity!"
I took some creative liberties, but it was with the hopes of increasing the likelihood that you might notice your own pride, which is usually unlikely; but stranger things have happened.
Regarding your possession, I suspect that your pride is also the main reason why you more or less dismissed Aion's primary advice for shedding your attacker/s. If you recall, he relayed that the only way he overcame his ordeal was by surrendering all beliefs and merging with the silence, to let go of all attachments and dwell in the sheer joy of pure existence as the field of consciousness.
(I may have added a few embellishments there.)
The key to what he said, and a suggestion that he repeatedly gave, is that you must let go of everything you believe. Let go of your conviction that 2+2=4, that water is liquid, that gravity holds you down. Maybe you don't see with your eyes, maybe you don't hear with your ears or taste with your tongue. To start, all you have to do, is say, "Maybe." Maybe, just maybe, everything that I believe is true, actually is not. Are you willing to consider the possibility that everything you believe, from your smallest assumptions to the grandest conspiracies, might not be true? Obviously everyone believes that what they believe is true, otherwise they wouldn't believe it! And of course, what YOU believe actually IS true. But let's say, hypothetically of course, that some thing or another that you believed, actually wasn't true. If you weren't even willing to SERIOUSLY consider that as a possibility, then there is no way in hell that you would learn the real truth, you'd be trapped. Now with Aion's suggestion, the way to really do it, is to simply not believe anything. You just throw out everything. You just say, "f*** if I know." You don't need to believe things to live your life anyway! Do you have to believe that gravity holds you to the floor to live your life? Nope! If it isn't true, then believing it is only going to block my mind from seeing the truth.
So hopefully my post wasn't too full of stupid! Unlikely though. Maybe you even got something out of it, my feeble attempts at being of aid are now exhausted!
Good luck with your possession stuff!