(11-09-2017, 02:42 PM)Cainite Wrote: Glow, I don't know about your friend. but my anger is apparently because of a bad childhood as well as the kind of catalysts my higherself programs. but I guess it has sth to do with my inability to forgive myself for killing a hamster years ago too.
The roots to problems like this are not very obvious.. you're kind and understanding to your friend. i'm sure that helps him a lot.
Hey Cainite, Thanks for continuing to open up and share with me. My friend too had a really incredible youth, it has spiraled into a difficult adulthood. He has shared everything in that respect with me because we basically had the same life. My response to life was sadness and extreme terror to the point of inability to function and his like yours was anger. Both are a form of self rejection I think. My pit was very deep and dark and I'm sure the anger pit is basically its neighbor.
I really appreciate what you say about your root being inability to forgive yourself as I have been told by my guidance that his anger is turned inward as well as outward, and his is rooted in anger at self. I am so sorry you are dealing with that too.
Do you also push those that love you away? I am enduring the big push right now, even though he busys himself with distraction not to feel it I know he is suffering.
Can I tell you about the hamster thing? It doesn't matter.
I mean I know it does to you because you had to experience it, and to people who like to judge others on this planet thinking they can label good/bad but from outside that 3d view it really doesn't matter. Still so loved and judgement isn't really a thing outside our realm.
There is no devil because I am the devil and I am the holiest of holys. We all are. s*** is just a bit f***** up here with all the pain.
So not sure if it helps at all or not but know I didn't even blink at the hamster thing. I bet the light of god that inhabited the hamster would really like you to forgive yourself because pain does stuff to people and its all good. Hamster is exploring a different portion of creation now,... maybe with wings. Who knows.

Sorry if any of this reads in a way that bothers you. I always care and I always try but it doesn't mean I always get it right. ((((((hugs))))))