11-05-2017, 01:09 AM
Howdy, I love animals/nature and am also interested in their consciousness. I feel that life for an animal must be generally simple and pleasant, when they're not fighting eachother and eating eachother. Though I guess it depends what part you play in the eating scenario.
So many of the problems we face because of our free will just aren't there for an animal. Even when things seem terrible by our standards, an animal accepts it and works with it, usually sparing no moment to ponder its apparent suffering. If an animal isn't vested with, or hasn't discovered on its own, third density thought then a term like "happy" can't capture more than the most basic and transient gratification. I just imagine a spectrum of potential emotional complexity which accompanies the evolutionary tree of this planet. For a very long time in second density happiness could not be conceived in an abstract dichotomous sense as the entities produced by the planet would have been too primitive. If you take the spectrum even further back, the consciousness begins to stop resembling any coherent experience of self that could be expected in second density and becomes more akin to the chemical consciousness of first density. Can a microscopic, self-replicating chemical processing plant feel happiness? I imagine there is something to feel there, but exactly what escapes me.
The death experience is interesting to ponder because the spirits of an animal species are not individuated like in human beings, or at least have far less potential to be. Ra said that in the early years of a typical third density, there was not much of a healing process when entities died, as the entities are still not fully established spiritually as individuals in third density. If this is the case, then the death of an animal would likely involve little healing and the spirit would simply remerge with whichever one of Gaia's animal soul groups it emerged from. The lack of healing is simply because there's nothing to spiritually heal in an entity which is fundamentally unable to suffer spiritual afflictions or distortions, those being reserved for the more developed third density entities. The experiences of an organism are accepted by the soul group and the greater planetary mind without condition.
I love nature because it reminds me of a way of life which is primal and chaotic, and free from the divisive institutions of higher-density beings.
So many of the problems we face because of our free will just aren't there for an animal. Even when things seem terrible by our standards, an animal accepts it and works with it, usually sparing no moment to ponder its apparent suffering. If an animal isn't vested with, or hasn't discovered on its own, third density thought then a term like "happy" can't capture more than the most basic and transient gratification. I just imagine a spectrum of potential emotional complexity which accompanies the evolutionary tree of this planet. For a very long time in second density happiness could not be conceived in an abstract dichotomous sense as the entities produced by the planet would have been too primitive. If you take the spectrum even further back, the consciousness begins to stop resembling any coherent experience of self that could be expected in second density and becomes more akin to the chemical consciousness of first density. Can a microscopic, self-replicating chemical processing plant feel happiness? I imagine there is something to feel there, but exactly what escapes me.
The death experience is interesting to ponder because the spirits of an animal species are not individuated like in human beings, or at least have far less potential to be. Ra said that in the early years of a typical third density, there was not much of a healing process when entities died, as the entities are still not fully established spiritually as individuals in third density. If this is the case, then the death of an animal would likely involve little healing and the spirit would simply remerge with whichever one of Gaia's animal soul groups it emerged from. The lack of healing is simply because there's nothing to spiritually heal in an entity which is fundamentally unable to suffer spiritual afflictions or distortions, those being reserved for the more developed third density entities. The experiences of an organism are accepted by the soul group and the greater planetary mind without condition.
I love nature because it reminds me of a way of life which is primal and chaotic, and free from the divisive institutions of higher-density beings.