10-29-2017, 04:54 PM
(10-29-2017, 04:36 PM)GentleWanderer Wrote: Entity attachment isn't something unusual. Many people have it and don't know it but there is no need toThis makes total sense about the earth bound spirits. And wow sounds like almost everything that doesn't treat your body as a loved vesel can cause an opening.
be fearful about it, most people manage can live with it fairly well but if the attachment is removed things
will go even better.
Having said that, keep in mind that attached entity are not all negatives, in fact probably most of the cases
are due to earth bound spirit (regular people like you and me who have died and left the physical body, but because
they don't believe in after life, or were too attached to physicality or because of a fear of hell or others problems, they
can't go to the spiritual realm and stay living here). So they stay in a person's aura to be nourished, warmed from his-her energy.
In this case you can lovingly tell them they can go to the light. And when an entity is gone, ask your team of guides or spirit healer to
heal and regenerate your aura.
I've heard tattoos can cause holes in the energetic body. Strong negative emotions, alcohol can cause these kind of difficulty when you're drunk, operation with general anaesthesia too.
i have a friend who goes nuts every year at the time his mother died for a few weeks. He just is tormented under the surface and he is crazy reactive and angry/sad.
I know his mother is around at those times and sees his grief and she reflects her own grief and remorse back at having left him. i started praying with her this year when it happened and asked her to help him by expressing gratitude for their bond instead of grief. The very next day I had my friend back. I guess I should ask her to go to the light but it seems they still both are learning and if she reflected positively back she could actually help him and herself heal. They both have unfinished things to say to each other. But I don't think he is ready for that conversation just yet.
As to asking guides to heal the auric field. Good idea. I've been relying on embodying so much of my own souls light that I am untouchable.
That one night was a transition so it was a great opportunity, and STS actually served me as I learned from the experience.
I certainly want to help the sleeping, sleep more comfortably so helping shield their potential attachment sites and heal them is now a focus.
Thanks for that insite.