My friends, I have seen many things over not so many years and there is one beautiful tool I would like to offer you - validation. Forget about your perspective. Completely step out of your shoes and just let yourself embrace and accept entirely the reality that your hurt friend is expressing. You don't have to take it on yourself, just say, yes, I understand, I believe, you are valid. This simple tool is one of the most powerful I have encountered for facing these kinds of situations. Stop trying to give of yourself when the service that is needed is for someone to receive. Receive this person, that is how you 'gather an entity in to the heart of your being', you must receive them. Forget about giving. Giving is selfish sometimes. This is how we build a powerful consensus reality of support to energize our brother. We go to him, in his reality, and love him there because that is where he is. If you want to help someone you have to go to them, you don't make them come to you. You think that to embrace this reality is to empower the negative entities but it is exactly the exact opposite. You don't need to understand, you just need to accept, love and validate.
To acknowledge, validation and belief is to dispel and discharge these energies and to help release the vibrations which have become locked in place. Belief is just a tool, my friends, it is not something concrete. It can be used to help people, but you must be willing to let go of your 'systems', so that you can listen and receive each individual personally.
This is not to say anyone is doing anything 'wrong', that is not what I am saying. Everybody is absolutely valid. However, this is something that I would attribute to my 'skills' and it is something I want to teach. Teach what you have learned, right? This is what I have learned. I hope some may find it useful.
Dante, I am going to push and purge, but it is you who must be ready for reality to change, for miracles to happen and magic to take place. It can only be done through the connection to that self that creates realities itself. The change will happen in your own field and in your own body.
To acknowledge, validation and belief is to dispel and discharge these energies and to help release the vibrations which have become locked in place. Belief is just a tool, my friends, it is not something concrete. It can be used to help people, but you must be willing to let go of your 'systems', so that you can listen and receive each individual personally.
This is not to say anyone is doing anything 'wrong', that is not what I am saying. Everybody is absolutely valid. However, this is something that I would attribute to my 'skills' and it is something I want to teach. Teach what you have learned, right? This is what I have learned. I hope some may find it useful.
Dante, I am going to push and purge, but it is you who must be ready for reality to change, for miracles to happen and magic to take place. It can only be done through the connection to that self that creates realities itself. The change will happen in your own field and in your own body.