10-16-2017, 04:20 AM
(10-14-2017, 11:20 PM)SkyGodWarrior Wrote:Like the name it has a mythical feel to it.
Hello haha this is actually my 2nd post...but anyways here it goes...
I have been aware since I was a kid. I had dreams and etc when I was younger although I did not know the names and what I was experiencing then. I didnt even know that I was meditating back then. I like to climb trees to the top and just sit there and enjoy it. The wind the sounds of the leaves rattling, the birds, the green, the blue and etc. Other times I use to climb into a bush and sit there and hang out and enjoy the same thing... I have always kinda did things spiritually intentionally but on accident....
I think I became conscious of this through the interaction of ghost and negative beings... the I would always astral project as a kid on to do these missions of freeing others from certain situations. I created a avatar from characters I liked as later I found out that this avatar stemmed from a past life off planet...
I would say that a lot of physical activity in the supernatural happened when I was around 12 or 13..... I use to stare at myself in the mirror not knowing what I was doing.... at the same time I was atral projecting on the regular practicing flying faster, jumping higher, teleporting and all sorts of things.... I was also still doing missions. I think one day I was sitting on the couch waiting and I was pretty much half asleep.... and a full on vision came to me. I was watching it like I was the camera watching scenes unfold. Since I did not understand what was happening I decided to evade the vision... I usually evaded them after a couple of secs have past. They would be of future events in my life or random scenes or checkpoints.... As i grew I continued to learn..... One day I heard a crack in the wall and felt some energy.... I could hear heavy breathing an I was able to see this beings face. It looked like energy was tracing or outlining it. The being was actually surprised and proceeded to measure my vision with its hands. After that it seemed that some of my abilities in astral project were blending into reality. I was able to see in pitch black through the same method. I want to invent a lot of things one day and had a notebook since I was a kid. I was thinking about my latest invention as I was laying down and another full vision happened. I could hear a couple beings talking... one was a lady with a very soft voice saying... There you go terrance... now your doing it!!! She kept repeating it as she was excited... the other being I wasn't quite able to hear him because it was lower.
Id say the thing that really changed my life was a past life vision of a being I use to love in another life... apparently there was a war and our planet was about to be destroyed and I wanted her to come with me... I think I was in charge of dropping something similar to a nuclear device... She decided to stay and I had to go drop the bomb knowing I would be killing the being I loved. I dropped it and watched a huge explosion... I was so emotionally distraught from it that I flew my ship right into it...
I have a lot of different recollection of past lives and a bunch of random things happen to me... you will see them as I gradually put them up here if it is of any importance......
Also I think I had a past life or current life as a soilder in one of these secret space programs... I have random visions and along with the missions I would do it seems that I had some ties... but im not quite sure... because after doing so much and sending a lot of energy out I started drawing the wrong attention... one day a groupe of people dressed in what looked like swat uniforms came into my room..... it was a strange event because I felt kinda like I was drunk but it was so realistic. I remember floating towards my bed after the event happened and woke up the opposite way I went to sleep. I also had a dry blood stain on my shin...
Id like to say that my life is fun and but full of mystery....
Thanks for reading... I am open to questions if anyone is curious..
Welcome to fascinating stories, looking forward to more
Theres few parts that stand out to me
" I was watching it like I was the camera watching scenes unfold. Since I did not understand what was happening I decided to evade the vision..I usually evaded them after a couple of secs have past"
when you say evade the vision how do you mean by this, it is more effort to remain in this vision or to leave? With me if in dream or waking state the visions I have tend to fade out a lot without me remaining in them for long sometimes on occasions i have. Its one avenue I have touched on explored here an then but heart has felt more important for time being to balance the energies of the first 4 chakras well first 3 in particular. Neverless I am still very interested!
"I was able to see in pitch black"
How is the dark visible to you? I see lots of moving dots that form shapes and move like ocean currents in patterns, even in daylight too if i concentrate whereas daylight its like bits of moving specks of light and is less visible.