Well first off, you seem to be referring to all of this in reference to New Age and E/T styled channelers, but the concept of angels and demons is much older than all that. Second, I can buy what you are saying about a particular group or entity, but what you seem to imply is this is ALL there is, and I just don't think that is the case. For example, what about other deities such as in other pantheons and religions? What about all the forms of spirituality which have nothing to do with extra-terrestrials?
Third, I know I've already said it, but I'm not really concerned with blame either way, I just want to alleviate suffering whenever possible. However I do get the sense that this has been a particular point of grievance for you since it is one you continue to respond strongly to. I assure you my advice is not intended as any sort of blame game but is only according to my understanding of how to work upon such foreign installations. I have seen and experienced fantastical things, the universe is a strange place. Do not mistake my belief that you might be able to do something about it for blaming you for your condition. I know you were just illustrating a point, but to be clear.
Like I said before, I believe there is a group of imposters, a gestalt intelligence as you call it, that mimics and steals the identities of other entities for its own use. I can tell you it is very frustrating to be so highly misrepresented. Note, I'm not saying "positive" and "negative" or "good and evil", my description here of imposters is that of deception. Consider that in light of what you have said.
Anyways, I guess you're just f***** then, eh?
I can understand how you'd be exasperated.
I could always take a whack at it and see if I can do anything for your situation, but I'm not sure there'd be any point without some confidence in the attempt.
As an example, your quote from 'Michael' there. Maybe it's an entity using the name of Michael and masquerading as such in order to lead the individuals in to a false sense of security with such absolute messages? Just because an entity gives a name, doesn't mean it is the entity you think or expect it to be. Even 'Ra' says if you want to have power over an entity you use its name.
Third, I know I've already said it, but I'm not really concerned with blame either way, I just want to alleviate suffering whenever possible. However I do get the sense that this has been a particular point of grievance for you since it is one you continue to respond strongly to. I assure you my advice is not intended as any sort of blame game but is only according to my understanding of how to work upon such foreign installations. I have seen and experienced fantastical things, the universe is a strange place. Do not mistake my belief that you might be able to do something about it for blaming you for your condition. I know you were just illustrating a point, but to be clear.
Like I said before, I believe there is a group of imposters, a gestalt intelligence as you call it, that mimics and steals the identities of other entities for its own use. I can tell you it is very frustrating to be so highly misrepresented. Note, I'm not saying "positive" and "negative" or "good and evil", my description here of imposters is that of deception. Consider that in light of what you have said.
Anyways, I guess you're just f***** then, eh?

I could always take a whack at it and see if I can do anything for your situation, but I'm not sure there'd be any point without some confidence in the attempt.
As an example, your quote from 'Michael' there. Maybe it's an entity using the name of Michael and masquerading as such in order to lead the individuals in to a false sense of security with such absolute messages? Just because an entity gives a name, doesn't mean it is the entity you think or expect it to be. Even 'Ra' says if you want to have power over an entity you use its name.