(10-10-2017, 10:12 PM)777 Wrote: @Dante776
You seem influenced by Cassiopeians... I used to study the transcripts and I felt there was a lot of disinformation there, and corruptions in the channel designed to put readers in a paranoid state.
I've experienced hyperdimensional manipulation and attack as well, so I sympathize with your story. But I find that obsession with reptilians, grays, and the control system conspiracy increases the negative entities' power. I agree they exist.
Have you considered cleansing, invoking protection, then temporarily entering the vibratory sleep state, as a psychic defense?
777, I'm not familiar with the Cassiopeians material. I've heard of them, and the woman that channels them, but never delved into her work.
What you're hearing from me is not paranoid delusionality (my words). What you're hearing comes from direct contact with the entities that are attached to me, and cross referencing these experiences with others who have had similar experiences. I'm not just having hyper-dimensional manipulation and attacks. That was in the beginning. It's moved on to the 'integration' stage. But, it's not just some 'entity' or 'spirit' doing this. It's is a group mind or gestalt intelligence that is attached to me via implants that has the ability to literally control me like a puppet. This is the point that I think most people are missing. Now, does it do this all the time? No. But it can involuntarily move me when it wants to evoke some kind of response from me. Sometimes it's just to engage in frivolous chatter, sometimes it is to annoy me, and sometimes it is to torment me.
Now, whatever you think a reptilian or gray is, I know for certain that this is it! But you have to understand, the gray, the reptilian, the demon, the angel, the Nordic (human clone) are all the same. They operate within our reality and in other dimensions. 4th dimensional grays are often angelic beings in higher dimensional frequencies and octaves. They simply alternate polarities and, get this, all of this is done with hyperdimensional quantum level technology. Most of these beings are synthetics and cybernetics imbued with artificial intelligence. I don't expect you to believe all of this but just consider what I'm saying. I think a lot of people are asleep with regard to the whole UFO, alien abduction, implantation phenomenon. I think it is an area that is largely ridiculed and overlooked which allows these beings to covertly and surreptitiously control our reality.
Regarding cleansing and invoking protection, I do that all the time. I'm not familiar with temporarily entering the vibratory sleep state as a psychic defense but curious to know more about it. Not sure if it would help my case much because their attachment and control is largely via the implants and chakra manipulation.