10-10-2017, 06:46 PM
(10-10-2017, 06:42 PM)Aion Wrote:(10-10-2017, 06:35 PM)SonicAfternoon Wrote:(10-10-2017, 06:31 PM)Aion Wrote: "The Illustrated Goetia", I'm not surprised. There are some weird pronunciations in there. I would watch out for anything that is based in Goetia since Goetia deals with demonology. Some people have modified the LBRP for such use. Sounds like you tapped in to a current that you didn't mean to.Thanks a lot I will definitely use this advice. But um, are saying I accidentally did demonic ritual and burned pentagrams all over my body or what? Have you heard of anything similar?
I would perform again, but in this format:
Qabbalistic Cross
Do not use the dagger, just use your fingers.
Raise hand above head, grasp the light and draw it down to your forehead. Tone "Ateh" AH-TEH (Thou Art)
Bring the light down to the heart and tone 'Malkuth' MAL-KOOT (the Kingdom)
Move to the right shoulder and tone 'Ve Geburah' VEH GEH-BOOR-AH (The Power)
Cross to the left shoulder and tone 'Ve Gedulah' VEH GEH-DOO-LAH (The Glory)
Bring the hands together as in prayer and tone 'Le Olam' LAY OH-LAM (Forever)
Finish toning Amen AH-MEN (Equivalent to 'so mote it be' or 'it is done'.)
Then you will pick up the dagger to perform the LBRP.
You can perform it as it is presented in those pictures, that is correct, however pronunciations:
YHVH - Yod Heh Vav Heh
Adonai - Ah-Doh-Nye
Eheieh - Eh-Heh-Yeh
AGLA - Ah-Gah-Lah
Raphael - Raff-Ay-El
Gabriel - Gab-Ree-El
Michael - Me-Kye-El
Auriel - Ohr-Ee-El
Then once you complete the LBRP put the dagger back down and do the QC again with the hands.
I would also suggest you perform an Invoking ritual as well which is the exact same except you would use the Invoking Earth Pentagram instead of the Banishing pentagram. Do the Invocation once a day to build up a charge and protection for your space and then do Banishings when you feel you need to clear something out.
Aha No I'm not saying you did a demonic ritual. Yes I have met other people who have had marks appear after magical experiences. It's a manifestation of the energy that has entered your system.
Put it this way, when you perform a ritual it's like dialing in a telephone number. However, when a person takes a ritual and modifies it for their own use it is a 'new number'. I am familiar with the names of the writers of that book and they were/are Satanists. (I think one has moved on since.) Which means that by performing their modified ritual you dialed 'their' number and unintentionally plugged in to their energetic current. It's a common ploy used by black magicians to spread their influence. Really annoying.
So the version I gave you will not be dialed in to their current so using it should clear out the influence you picked up from their version.
Thank you very much, I have been very alarmed by all of this as although I have had many experiences while mediating and using psychedelics I've never had anything leave physical evidence so I am very overwhelmed. I am very grateful for your help