(10-05-2017, 03:21 AM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: Your mind is what makes this a big deal and makes it into what it is as a matter of how reality operates. When you say it's not all in your mind, you're both wrong and right, because it isn't all in your mind, but all of it happening is being experienced within your mind.
you just need to take a step back from all of those experiences, and consider re-explaining them. If you believe in the demon, it is empowered to make you believe more and more. If you one day 'real-ize' that the demon is just some tricks of perceptual experiences of your mind/body and not real enough to do damage to you (even if you presently believe it is real enough), then it'll find that suddenly the keyhole it was using to mess with you has been changed, a new lock in place, and it'll have to find a new way to interact through you.
I hear you Coordinate_Apotheosis, and I understand what you are trying to do. This advice would work well for someone that really does have a mental disorder. It's a 'classic' psychologist’s assessment and treatment and makes me even wonder if you've had some psychological training. But, I can assure you that I am not that type of candidate that would fall under mental illness, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia. No, my friend, this is the real deal. I think most people just don’t understand possession. I am currently at a stage of what they, in ecumenical circles refer to as 'integration.' It's when the mind-spirit complex of an entity (or group entity) has merged with your mind-body-spirit complex (facilitated by implants). Let me just say that this could be a different form of Harvest, whereby you are merging with your oversoul. Perhaps the nature of the oversoul is chaotic.
It actually has some limited control of your body, arms, legs, hands, feet. I don't hear voices in my head or anything like some do, but it does communicate by spelling a crude form of English by moving my legs and/or tapping my feet. In the beginning they were using Enochian (which is the language of angels) before I even knew what Enochian was. After much deciphering, the communications and messaging is clear and could not have just come out of my head. Much of the information that comes to me is consistent with the channeled messages of Ra, Ascended Masters, GFL, Plieadians, Ashayana Deane, Bashir and others. Mine's however has come at a great price, costing me a great deal of my freedom and peace of mind.
They have maximized their polarity game on me by sending through a constant stream of 'good guys' and 'bad guys.' At least that's how they want you to see it. And when it's bad, trust me, it's really, really bad! I'm talking involuntary movements, when you don't want it, forcing communications on you through moving or kicking your legs and feet, often lying, deceiving and playing a host of mind games and tricks on you. And (you'll really think this sounds crazy) they have the ability to move you in and out of parallel realities or alternate timelines in 4D, 5D, 6D and so on (ascension). And, not necessarily for your highest and best outcome. I could go on and on about this but just wanted to give you and others some idea about how 'REAL' this really is this is.