10-04-2017, 09:17 PM
HI JayCee,
I'm sorry to hear of you colision with catylist but sounds like you are using it beautifully.
I've recently come to know a fellow with stage 4 lung cancer. He's had treatments that put most people out of commission but he looks so well and his treatment has surprisingly shrunk his tumour which I didn't think happened in stage 4.
Either way it's his attitude and approach that seems so healing to him and other, sounds like you are brimming with those same vibes. Well done and good teaching so thank you from all who witness your example. Love to you. (((Hugs)))
I'm sorry to hear of you colision with catylist but sounds like you are using it beautifully.
I've recently come to know a fellow with stage 4 lung cancer. He's had treatments that put most people out of commission but he looks so well and his treatment has surprisingly shrunk his tumour which I didn't think happened in stage 4.
Either way it's his attitude and approach that seems so healing to him and other, sounds like you are brimming with those same vibes. Well done and good teaching so thank you from all who witness your example. Love to you. (((Hugs)))