10-04-2017, 01:30 AM
Well this is the problem: basic decency, respect and politeness to others - being considered "New Age gobbeldygook"
But what's new? This is what happens EVERY TIME people post fear based stuff on B4th.
And they want to go on and on about it - but of course won't ever give you their specifics but are fine to post reams of video/gifs/photos/text written by (paid) "insiders" - and then when people challenge them - or ask for their personal specifics - they get really aggressive/insulting/defensive/snide/hurtful/arrogant.
Same old - same old.
Ironically they never twig to the possibility that they themselves are such aggressive negative people that they create the same wherever they go - (as well as being the reason it keeps being perpetuated within their own energy systems).
This trend on b4 goes past trolling - it's psychic vampirism.
When we consider that here we have a new member recently come to a really specific metaphysical forum and started several threads basically alleging that we're involved with a duality/polarity/demonic/gestalt Ra that's going to "harvest" us and that we need to 'wake up'....
776 is lucky to have had the modicum of respect that he's been met with.
and btw: Mahakali - mods have warned you repeatedly that forum rules don't permit advising people against medicine/therapy.
(Come to think of it - fear based philosophy is against forum rules also.)
But what's new? This is what happens EVERY TIME people post fear based stuff on B4th.
And they want to go on and on about it - but of course won't ever give you their specifics but are fine to post reams of video/gifs/photos/text written by (paid) "insiders" - and then when people challenge them - or ask for their personal specifics - they get really aggressive/insulting/defensive/snide/hurtful/arrogant.
Same old - same old.
Ironically they never twig to the possibility that they themselves are such aggressive negative people that they create the same wherever they go - (as well as being the reason it keeps being perpetuated within their own energy systems).
This trend on b4 goes past trolling - it's psychic vampirism.
When we consider that here we have a new member recently come to a really specific metaphysical forum and started several threads basically alleging that we're involved with a duality/polarity/demonic/gestalt Ra that's going to "harvest" us and that we need to 'wake up'....

776 is lucky to have had the modicum of respect that he's been met with.

and btw: Mahakali - mods have warned you repeatedly that forum rules don't permit advising people against medicine/therapy.
(Come to think of it - fear based philosophy is against forum rules also.)