10-02-2017, 06:59 PM
I was lurking for the first time in a while, and as usual I immediately come across something that invokes a desire to respond despite my prejudices.
Oh how funny it is that some are still as they are yet believe they have changed, and o' how hilarious it is to see how some judge others where I perceive the judgments of the other being of the self. The classic 'Mirror Syndrome' still exists. Such as with fear, the Law of One breeds great amounts of fear. Perhaps it too is a control scheme. Or is that Five Dimensional entity trying to kill the channel just for entertainment to draw the readers in?
It's nice to see how cemented some things are, perhaps that's a part of the joy of incarnate physical life, how slowly things change. The time that is granted by that concept. The way we all argue with each other without realizing we're arguing with ourselves. Then after it's all said and done, we laugh at how ridiculous we in the flesh were now that we're outside of it.
Anyway, hi Dante, interesting post you've made. I hope my commentary will be of some help to you, if not, please don't club me to death.
I'm just going to come out and say it.
What you are dealing with is empowered by one fuel source above all else. Your belief.
You believe. With it you open the energetic system to interaction with entities of such a belief. Interestingly this is encouraged because it's a form of magic, ironically it's not spoken alongside it's dangers for a reason. Possession, Corruption, Entanglement, Infringement, you name it, you believe in the higher beings, the godly ones with access to energy like a tool one can grasp and utilize with appendages. You believe in them and further you believe in their power, their abilities, and you finally ascend the naivety of polarity with the understanding of the preached information in the Law of One, that passed a point, left and right have no analogy, no presence, they are one in the same being identified and interpreted by individuals who grasp and perceive uniquely.
So, here you are, you know all this crazy stuff, what's more you believe in it, and now you're having a falling out. You're beginning to mature to the reality of the new reality you entered, you're realizing the depth of it's consequences and gains. Have you realized it's magic yet? There is no such thing as innocent magic use, when you open your mind and heart to the universe, which is containing potentially all things, you open yourself up to the higher energies which have no judgment between left and right (the Law of One does not look away from either path), and further you begin to realize that the same 'good guys' you believe in are more than capable of the 'bad guy' stuff, and suddenly your God is not just a Lover, but a Monster too.
So what can you do? Even further is how you have allowed yourself to let another being as you perceive it to control you.
So let's stop there and let me point out something. In the Law of One, the way Ra asks the group to handle the Five Dimensional Entity, is to regard it as your self and treat it as such. The idea in line here is if it's truly of a left hand polarity, serenading it in the love of self it knows, only now from another (yourself), will weaken it enough so to compromise it's danger.
And then they drop the bomb that is you cannot be of service to others to a service to self entity, and even referred to the ideal as humorous.
So. Contradictory just a bit you might think, well yeah, reality and life is a paradox, the Law of One is a paradox, as is unity, infinity, eternity, so how does one be a way they cannot be?
Hey, Dante, have you ever thought that perhaps it's all in your mind? And the power and control you provide to others is something you create from yourself?
Regardless of what the cause actually is, what's important is you need to do some spiritual cleansing and soul searching with these entities. They are your darkness manifest, and there is a war going on within your mind, but you deem it between you and 'them'.
'They', don't care how you perceive it so long as it's in the wrong way (right way for them). As a creature of the mind, you are under control by your own mind. Your mind is also under your control, this isn't Star Trek where someone can just think up control of your body, they need to work for it, and it is a lot of work. You think your soul just incarnated and mergered with the fetus that was you and was able to control the body all willy-nilly? No way dude! Your soul had to take time to map out the nervous system and merge with it. These entities might have your own mergered control system to piggy-back on but they can't just hijack you without your letting them. Perhaps they can fight and overpower your willpower, but then that still ultimately boils down to you relenting to their motions rather than your own.
Don't relent, but also don't fight. The greatest truth of battle is each injury you inflict upon another is an injury you inflict upon yourself. It's in spirit, and perhaps more metaphorical than literal, but truly inflicting violence hurts all parties involved one way or another. You are trying to counter their control with your own style of violence.
That is the problem, the violence. It's all so violent isn't it. The good guys can be evil, the life is just cannon fodder for other entities, physical creation is a test dummy for metaphysical creation. The control and implants, the fear and force, the disbelief and desperation, the feelings of disdain and uncertainty leading you to the feeling of a loss control which incites within your instinctive responses a need for anger and violence, lashing back out to regain control.
I have a saying, taken from the Led Zeppelin song Stairway to Heaven, To Be A Rock And Not To Roll.
The rock is not violent. It's just hard, and blunt, or jagged, but it isn't violent. It's heavy, compact, and potentially dangerous, but that rock is still, and while it is still it is not violent. Be a Rock, and don't roll. When you start rolling, you have all these new forces behind you, the ability to cut, the ability to break, even the ability to self destruct upon impact.
The point of that entire rock metaphor is you are a rolling rock, you see the Flyer as the one who holds you, and you say you are not in control of yourself as it throws you about and strikes another with you. Perhaps if you were a literal rock in perfect stillness without comprehension of how you are used, this wouldn't be an issue, but to you as a self aware being, it is disconcerting, so you roll with it, you try to slip out of the hand. You push off the responsibility as belonging to you for when you are used to start a fire or smash a window. But you are rolling, and only a rolling rock can hurt someone without another using that rolling rock.
It's violent. Stop, just stop rolling with it, stop believing in it, stop thinking about it in certain ways. You need to stand still, and perceive the situation from a standpoint that is not constantly blurred from your rolling through the situation.
You are, another person in the portrait of a landscape that is God. You are the rock in it, and you are not supposed to be rolling, you're not a landslide, or a falling toppling rock, you're a boulder on the ground still and quaint. Maybe you're in a battlefield, perhaps something has struck you, and perhaps you are covered in blood, but maybe you're not. Maybe it's just a fictional portrayal you as the rock are imagining yourself in.
Is your normal life becoming boring, or spiraling out of control? Have you lost many close friends, has anyone close to you died recently? Are you aware that you are disassociating yourself from the physical reality you exist within? That this disassociation is a form of self created magic done by the mind for the mind to cope?
You are possessed? Stop believing in it, when that belief rears it's ugly head, let it's gross gaze stare right through you, as if you were glass. Then continue being as you were, TRY TO, tell yourself it's just you thinking of things that aren't healthy and to think of healthy things, like a delicious glass of mint tea. Demons HATE mint (citation needed), and they sure as hell can't stand the yumminess of tea leaves soaked in water (citation needed).
I mean, what does a demon even want from you, who are you? Or any one for real, like arguable none of this is even real, all just a holographic illusion of light birthed by shadows of the Creator distorting manifestations of its self. The light can't have an analogue without darkness to define it. Just as the light defines shadows, those shadows define the light that forms them. The sharper the light, the sharper the darkness, the closer the light, the blurrier the darkness, the more intense the light, the more the shadows fade away, but behind every single light, there is darkness. Just at space bro, all of that 'darkness' out there has enough light flowing through it to light it up like a christmas tree plugged into a dam, the only reason we don't see it is because that light isn't all traveling right at us so we don't see it's path, not like the stars we see in the sky (of which we're seeing their past selves because light apparently can travel into the future because it travels at it's own speed which relativity says there is no time at the speed of light and what am I even saying anymore...)
My point is, you need to change the way you think about it, sort of like SMC said, that is literally the most important thing because here's the reality man. No demon can grab your hand, and make it strike someone, without you allowing it. If you hate, it draws on that. Just like in hypnosis, you can't make a hypnotized person do something they deeply truly do not want to do (unless you literally torture them with drugs and physical harm until their own persona is lost to them aka 'broken', of which demons can't make you ingest drugs or inflict enough pain upon you to make you pass out regardless of what some would say).
If you are doing things against your will, well, some part of you is okay with it, perhaps you should pinpoint that part and heal it with acceptance and a lack of judgment that dissolves it back into where it spawned, that being you.
Further if your thoughts are an antennae then it's all the more important to broadcast on frequencies that those entities find painful (like a loud shrill noise to them that's a pleasant hum to you). But don't do it to hurt them, you don't forgive a person to make them feel bad that you forgave them, you forgive a person for your own self.
So change the way you think for yourself to get the darknesses of yourself in line with your self. Remember that every evil entity is an extension of your shadow self, and further, you're an extension of a portion of themselves that they are trying to dominate. If you are unable to be dominated, do you think they'll spend the energy trying anymore? For each failure to harm you, they lose power without gain.
In polarity, the dark polarity is truly handicapped in how much collective disdain exists towards it, formulating their realities to be very hard to sustain the self within without basically being a slave. That there are those that can travel willy-nilly is a blessing, it is their presence that points out how contrasting your presence is.
So the next time this godly dark entity is trying to control you, remember, it's trying to control a portion of its self as per it's intention and will due to it's present configuration of evolutionary lessons (polarity), and the only job required of you, is to refrain from controlling it in lieu of accepting it.
That might make it sound like you should just let it do what it wants with you, but what I'm really trying to say is you need to stop fighting it, and start loving it.
Make Flirts not Fights.
Make Love not War.
Make Peace not Violence.
If you think you have no power, then so it shall seem.
Your belief controls your destiny.
How many wars in our history wouldn't exist were we just forgiving and willing to love that which has hurt us? (and how hypocritical I am for mentioning that too as I'm not much better than the average person.)
So, take what I have to say with a grain of salt, but do consider it. Your thoughts are the filters that you perceive reality through. If they say 'this godly dark thing is controlling me oh holy f***!' then eventually it's gonna seem like that.
And, you know, worse case scenario, you learn to find happiness in slavery. Whether it be to a dark god's puppet, or to the OIC as a manifested plaything for it to learn through.
But best case scenario, it's not real and all in your head for you to help provide deeper understandings of specific types of lessons to the Creator and one day it will get much better than what any godly entity could provide for you.
Which scenario seems preferable? Perhaps think more towards that belief system?
Or don't. Thanks for reading, sorry if I was confusing and long winded. I too have not changed all that much.
Oh how funny it is that some are still as they are yet believe they have changed, and o' how hilarious it is to see how some judge others where I perceive the judgments of the other being of the self. The classic 'Mirror Syndrome' still exists. Such as with fear, the Law of One breeds great amounts of fear. Perhaps it too is a control scheme. Or is that Five Dimensional entity trying to kill the channel just for entertainment to draw the readers in?
It's nice to see how cemented some things are, perhaps that's a part of the joy of incarnate physical life, how slowly things change. The time that is granted by that concept. The way we all argue with each other without realizing we're arguing with ourselves. Then after it's all said and done, we laugh at how ridiculous we in the flesh were now that we're outside of it.
Anyway, hi Dante, interesting post you've made. I hope my commentary will be of some help to you, if not, please don't club me to death.
I'm just going to come out and say it.
What you are dealing with is empowered by one fuel source above all else. Your belief.
You believe. With it you open the energetic system to interaction with entities of such a belief. Interestingly this is encouraged because it's a form of magic, ironically it's not spoken alongside it's dangers for a reason. Possession, Corruption, Entanglement, Infringement, you name it, you believe in the higher beings, the godly ones with access to energy like a tool one can grasp and utilize with appendages. You believe in them and further you believe in their power, their abilities, and you finally ascend the naivety of polarity with the understanding of the preached information in the Law of One, that passed a point, left and right have no analogy, no presence, they are one in the same being identified and interpreted by individuals who grasp and perceive uniquely.
So, here you are, you know all this crazy stuff, what's more you believe in it, and now you're having a falling out. You're beginning to mature to the reality of the new reality you entered, you're realizing the depth of it's consequences and gains. Have you realized it's magic yet? There is no such thing as innocent magic use, when you open your mind and heart to the universe, which is containing potentially all things, you open yourself up to the higher energies which have no judgment between left and right (the Law of One does not look away from either path), and further you begin to realize that the same 'good guys' you believe in are more than capable of the 'bad guy' stuff, and suddenly your God is not just a Lover, but a Monster too.
So what can you do? Even further is how you have allowed yourself to let another being as you perceive it to control you.
So let's stop there and let me point out something. In the Law of One, the way Ra asks the group to handle the Five Dimensional Entity, is to regard it as your self and treat it as such. The idea in line here is if it's truly of a left hand polarity, serenading it in the love of self it knows, only now from another (yourself), will weaken it enough so to compromise it's danger.
And then they drop the bomb that is you cannot be of service to others to a service to self entity, and even referred to the ideal as humorous.
So. Contradictory just a bit you might think, well yeah, reality and life is a paradox, the Law of One is a paradox, as is unity, infinity, eternity, so how does one be a way they cannot be?
Hey, Dante, have you ever thought that perhaps it's all in your mind? And the power and control you provide to others is something you create from yourself?
Regardless of what the cause actually is, what's important is you need to do some spiritual cleansing and soul searching with these entities. They are your darkness manifest, and there is a war going on within your mind, but you deem it between you and 'them'.
'They', don't care how you perceive it so long as it's in the wrong way (right way for them). As a creature of the mind, you are under control by your own mind. Your mind is also under your control, this isn't Star Trek where someone can just think up control of your body, they need to work for it, and it is a lot of work. You think your soul just incarnated and mergered with the fetus that was you and was able to control the body all willy-nilly? No way dude! Your soul had to take time to map out the nervous system and merge with it. These entities might have your own mergered control system to piggy-back on but they can't just hijack you without your letting them. Perhaps they can fight and overpower your willpower, but then that still ultimately boils down to you relenting to their motions rather than your own.
Don't relent, but also don't fight. The greatest truth of battle is each injury you inflict upon another is an injury you inflict upon yourself. It's in spirit, and perhaps more metaphorical than literal, but truly inflicting violence hurts all parties involved one way or another. You are trying to counter their control with your own style of violence.
That is the problem, the violence. It's all so violent isn't it. The good guys can be evil, the life is just cannon fodder for other entities, physical creation is a test dummy for metaphysical creation. The control and implants, the fear and force, the disbelief and desperation, the feelings of disdain and uncertainty leading you to the feeling of a loss control which incites within your instinctive responses a need for anger and violence, lashing back out to regain control.
I have a saying, taken from the Led Zeppelin song Stairway to Heaven, To Be A Rock And Not To Roll.
The rock is not violent. It's just hard, and blunt, or jagged, but it isn't violent. It's heavy, compact, and potentially dangerous, but that rock is still, and while it is still it is not violent. Be a Rock, and don't roll. When you start rolling, you have all these new forces behind you, the ability to cut, the ability to break, even the ability to self destruct upon impact.
The point of that entire rock metaphor is you are a rolling rock, you see the Flyer as the one who holds you, and you say you are not in control of yourself as it throws you about and strikes another with you. Perhaps if you were a literal rock in perfect stillness without comprehension of how you are used, this wouldn't be an issue, but to you as a self aware being, it is disconcerting, so you roll with it, you try to slip out of the hand. You push off the responsibility as belonging to you for when you are used to start a fire or smash a window. But you are rolling, and only a rolling rock can hurt someone without another using that rolling rock.
It's violent. Stop, just stop rolling with it, stop believing in it, stop thinking about it in certain ways. You need to stand still, and perceive the situation from a standpoint that is not constantly blurred from your rolling through the situation.
You are, another person in the portrait of a landscape that is God. You are the rock in it, and you are not supposed to be rolling, you're not a landslide, or a falling toppling rock, you're a boulder on the ground still and quaint. Maybe you're in a battlefield, perhaps something has struck you, and perhaps you are covered in blood, but maybe you're not. Maybe it's just a fictional portrayal you as the rock are imagining yourself in.
Is your normal life becoming boring, or spiraling out of control? Have you lost many close friends, has anyone close to you died recently? Are you aware that you are disassociating yourself from the physical reality you exist within? That this disassociation is a form of self created magic done by the mind for the mind to cope?
You are possessed? Stop believing in it, when that belief rears it's ugly head, let it's gross gaze stare right through you, as if you were glass. Then continue being as you were, TRY TO, tell yourself it's just you thinking of things that aren't healthy and to think of healthy things, like a delicious glass of mint tea. Demons HATE mint (citation needed), and they sure as hell can't stand the yumminess of tea leaves soaked in water (citation needed).
I mean, what does a demon even want from you, who are you? Or any one for real, like arguable none of this is even real, all just a holographic illusion of light birthed by shadows of the Creator distorting manifestations of its self. The light can't have an analogue without darkness to define it. Just as the light defines shadows, those shadows define the light that forms them. The sharper the light, the sharper the darkness, the closer the light, the blurrier the darkness, the more intense the light, the more the shadows fade away, but behind every single light, there is darkness. Just at space bro, all of that 'darkness' out there has enough light flowing through it to light it up like a christmas tree plugged into a dam, the only reason we don't see it is because that light isn't all traveling right at us so we don't see it's path, not like the stars we see in the sky (of which we're seeing their past selves because light apparently can travel into the future because it travels at it's own speed which relativity says there is no time at the speed of light and what am I even saying anymore...)
My point is, you need to change the way you think about it, sort of like SMC said, that is literally the most important thing because here's the reality man. No demon can grab your hand, and make it strike someone, without you allowing it. If you hate, it draws on that. Just like in hypnosis, you can't make a hypnotized person do something they deeply truly do not want to do (unless you literally torture them with drugs and physical harm until their own persona is lost to them aka 'broken', of which demons can't make you ingest drugs or inflict enough pain upon you to make you pass out regardless of what some would say).
If you are doing things against your will, well, some part of you is okay with it, perhaps you should pinpoint that part and heal it with acceptance and a lack of judgment that dissolves it back into where it spawned, that being you.
Further if your thoughts are an antennae then it's all the more important to broadcast on frequencies that those entities find painful (like a loud shrill noise to them that's a pleasant hum to you). But don't do it to hurt them, you don't forgive a person to make them feel bad that you forgave them, you forgive a person for your own self.
So change the way you think for yourself to get the darknesses of yourself in line with your self. Remember that every evil entity is an extension of your shadow self, and further, you're an extension of a portion of themselves that they are trying to dominate. If you are unable to be dominated, do you think they'll spend the energy trying anymore? For each failure to harm you, they lose power without gain.
In polarity, the dark polarity is truly handicapped in how much collective disdain exists towards it, formulating their realities to be very hard to sustain the self within without basically being a slave. That there are those that can travel willy-nilly is a blessing, it is their presence that points out how contrasting your presence is.
So the next time this godly dark entity is trying to control you, remember, it's trying to control a portion of its self as per it's intention and will due to it's present configuration of evolutionary lessons (polarity), and the only job required of you, is to refrain from controlling it in lieu of accepting it.
That might make it sound like you should just let it do what it wants with you, but what I'm really trying to say is you need to stop fighting it, and start loving it.
Make Flirts not Fights.
Make Love not War.
Make Peace not Violence.
If you think you have no power, then so it shall seem.
Your belief controls your destiny.
How many wars in our history wouldn't exist were we just forgiving and willing to love that which has hurt us? (and how hypocritical I am for mentioning that too as I'm not much better than the average person.)
So, take what I have to say with a grain of salt, but do consider it. Your thoughts are the filters that you perceive reality through. If they say 'this godly dark thing is controlling me oh holy f***!' then eventually it's gonna seem like that.
And, you know, worse case scenario, you learn to find happiness in slavery. Whether it be to a dark god's puppet, or to the OIC as a manifested plaything for it to learn through.
But best case scenario, it's not real and all in your head for you to help provide deeper understandings of specific types of lessons to the Creator and one day it will get much better than what any godly entity could provide for you.
Which scenario seems preferable? Perhaps think more towards that belief system?
Or don't. Thanks for reading, sorry if I was confusing and long winded. I too have not changed all that much.