(10-02-2017, 10:21 AM)Infinite Wrote: I have one more question:
It's possible open the gateway to Intelligent Infinity without the kundalini awakening?
When the "kundalini" has been seen for what it is: simply the magnetic meeting point between outer and inner spiritual energy flow (the place where the One is being realized), it can be further seen that in each density of existence the kundalini is being raised higher and higher, which results in being "harvested" from that density. The fruit then becomes ripe and is plucked, and the seeds from the fruit so partaken of are thereby planted in the soil of another plane to grow an even greater fruit, which again, when ripe, is harvested. Rinse, repeat.
Intelligent infinity contact is this same process but accelerated. Many people temporarily raise the magnetic meeting point to a higher level (higher than harvestable grade for their density), but because they haven't laid the groundwork, they can't hold it. This causes all sorts of malfunctions on the bodily, mental, and spiritual level. This results in all the terrible kundalini awakening symptoms occultists often foolishly bring on themselves by treading into waters they were not prepared for (drugs can temporarily raise this meeting point too -- sometimes permanently, and not in a good way. More like in a: "I have grabbed an electrical wire and can't let go sort of way"). When you are "ready" for such contact, you won't feel all those crazy vibrational sensations, you will simply experience the higher ray, but without all the vibrational resistance and turbulence (think: jet plane running over the ground, versus free flying in the sky where the rough terrain of the ground is largely nonexistent. In otherwords, speed/power combined with resistance = terrible time).
So the answer is no, it doesn't happen without the kundalini awakening to my understanding. The kundalini awakening is the process of raising the sleeping energy at the base of the spine through all the energy levels red through violet in each density. Contact with intelligent infinity may be had in any density with consciousness of the spirit (yellow through violet). When the kundalini becomes reliably and stabley seated at the violet ray level, what we call "enlightenment" occurs (distinction between self/others is dissolved more or less permanently). Depending on which subdensity you were born into, some of these levels were passed through quite quickly (result of prior karmic development). Others, require one to alchemically refine a great deal of catalyst through the archetype system until the transmuted metaphorical gold can be extracted from the metaphorical lead of initial experience.