(10-01-2017, 10:27 AM)smc Wrote: and the heartache has gotten even stronger !! I'm now estranged from my whole family! - sister mother father... and my dad is 95.. (he was 40 when I was born)... I'll probably never see him again - and can't go to the funeral because of all the abuse and gaslighting and s*** that's happening... I live alone - no kids - no partner - no job - PTSD clinical depression, physical injuries, fibromyalgia, arthritis, severe disc protrusion in my neck... no job for the last 25 years because of a violent workplace assault that took 10 years to be dealt with in a court case... it's 36 years since I had a complete nervous breakdown at 19... from all the abuse I'd already gone through at that point - and it only got worse and worse... but I figured out either die or take loving care of yourself... and I chose self care
But why would you choose to go through all that? Negativity has no power except that which it is given.
You shouldn't be such a resonant container for experiences like that. What you focus on you create MORE OF.
For the record, the "90% new age bullshit thing" was more a compliment than anything, because I found something in your reply that I actually agreed with. You'll notice that I didn't reply to anyone else at all.
My point is that you seem to have some kind of mental line drawn between subtle and physical forces. And to some degree, your advice is accurate, if it's a low-level attack and your etheric body is working properly, but there's nothing you wrote there that all of us haven't seen on bubble-headed (if not outright malicious) New Age blogs a million and a half times. What's the chance OP hasn't already heard all that? The MK-ULTRA (as it's called in common parlance) bullshit can be exceptionally hard to get rid of.