10-01-2017, 08:39 AM
(10-01-2017, 03:05 AM)smc Wrote: Time and time again your posts are filled with hatred, snideness and arrogance
I'd like to see someone who's lived my life act any different. I wasn't always like this, you know.
I hate all of you. I do. You can't imagine what my existence has been like.
No one else? Don't put words in my mouth, now. What I will say is that you'll be hard-pressed to find anyone on a higher plateau of misery. There is nothing you could do to me to make me feel any worse to any substantial degree.
Yeah, sure, the Ra material mentions that all is free will. It also mentions that there are negative time/space mechanics that can take higher-density wanderers a very long time and a lot of effort to get out of.
The metaphysical and the physical are inseparable, and you could also argue that a paraplegic "chose" to be like that, and that all he has to do is change his vibration, 'cause, you know, all is vibration. On some level, that may be true, but it hardly does the poor bastard any good.
OP pretty clearly stated that "Chaaaange your vibrations, maaaaaaaaan" and the rest of that joint-puffing hippie s*** was not an adequate response to his problems. I can relate.
But I think you know that and you're just joking around, or outright trolling. I can't imagine you're seriously arguing that all you have to is snap your fingers and your problems will be solved.
You know what? f*** it. I'll try it. I'll ask the angels of love and light to solve my problems for me. We'll see if I'm not the same miserable, bitter piece of s*** tomorrow.