Castaneda was a fraud - a 'pretendian'... he plagiarised wisdom from many valid sources... and bastardised Indigenous knowledge for his own $$$ agenda - he's also involved with the suicides of several associates
Ashayana Deane is a fraud as well... numerous proofs available for this...
The other thing I'd say is -
when did you give your power away?
look hard into that
then - begin your journey to get it back
the convincingly written - but made up nonsense, you've been reading has infiltrated your mind with fear and fear manipulates you... when you're in a state of fear it's because you feel powerless...
you are NOT powerless
repeat after me I AM NOT POWERLESS
write out a statement revoking any contract/s accidental or intentional that you may have made to surrender your power.
if you gave it away - you can take it back -
you've read too much fearful disinfo and have been infected with fear
that is all
and YES (as Stranger said)...LOVE IS the remedy
send LOVE to any and all negative entities attached to you and (for example) buy yourself flowers and hug yourself IMMEDIATELY

darkness has no power over illumination
hate is dissolved by LOVE
darkness is simply an absence
an absence of LOVE
read up on "negative greetings" (in the Ra Material)... love your 'enemies' - it will drive them away - or change them for the better...
I have asked Archangel Raphael to be with you (with your permission)
also - I send you love
Ashayana Deane is a fraud as well... numerous proofs available for this...
Quote:"My birth mother is Ashayana Deane, who is a cult leader in her own right. She has so many people brainwashed into believing she's some sort of prodigy that communicates with aliens and whatnot. She basically disowned me because I refused to hop into the crazy with her. She forbade my siblings from having any contact with me too, lest they also be disowned and lose out on all her money that she's snatched from these gullible followers of hers.----------------------------
Ashayana Deane. Google her. She's nuts.
[–][deleted] 566 points 6 months ago
I'm sorry that you've lost your family to this. I collect books written by people who claim to channel aliens, as a fringe anthropology hobby and not because I believe in it. I take for granted that many of these people hurt others in order to pursue their beliefs/money.
There's so much jargon in her advertising material that it almost looks like a parody. My brain hurts from looking at the design layout.
This person calls her out for being a fraud, and claims that she is a victim of the CIA's Monarch program. Yikes. Layers upon layers of strange.
For anyone who has not yet been, the rabbit hole of alien channeling, intergalactic warfare, and One World Government (yes, all connected!) theories is worth a dive.
I'm fascinated to hear more about what you know about your birth mother's real story and intentions. If you want to share, I'm all ears.
[–]WizFish 1549 points 6 months ago*
Whoa, didn't expect anyone to even see this. I'm fine with disclosing what I know, which admittedly isn't a whole lot. My mom was always into the new age stuff while I was growing up. She started pretty low key with things like tarot cards, crystals, incense etc... graduated to ouija boards, and eventually channeling... I have memories from when I was like 7 years old, of my mother sitting around in our living room with the board and loads of candles and crystals, and she'd speak with a low voice... she was supposedly channeling spirits at this time. Although I remember even at a young age not being convinced by what I was sure was a performance on her part. The voices that came out of her sounded like... her... doing silly voices. I don't pretend to know her beliefs super well; mine are pretty pedestrian as well. I like to stick to science; I went balls deep into Christianity when I was in my teens, but I eventually clawed my way out of that belief system and mindset. There were just things that I couldn't accept and could never seem to reconcile within myself. So I guess that makes me agnostic? Eh, I don't care. I never felt like I had to identify with a label or a group.
My mother has sort of always been a piece of work. She was sent to an all girls school in her teens, somewhere in Pennsylvania (that's where both her and I were born), and she hated it so much, she devised a plan to get kicked out, which involved sneaking out and getting pregnant with a boy from a neighboring all boys school. Enter my big brother Jacob. I don't know him well, my mothers family basically decided for her that she wasn't of the right mind or age to care for a child, so Jacob wound up being adopted by family friends, they raised him, my mother had a very cursory, in and out relationship with her first son. Eventually she went on to have my older sister, Esprit. Different father. Then she met my father, a charismatic jazz pianist who was 25 years older at the time. They actually got married, but honestly both of them are so unhinged that it didn't last even a year. I was born during that time. The day I was born, my father was drunk at the bar and my mother, no lie, checked out of the hospital without me. Always thought it was funny that that trend never went away. 29 years later and my dads still drinking his days away and my mother is nowhere to be found.
When I was 9, I'd been living with my mom during the week and saw my dad on weekends. Dad was more fun. Drunks usually are. Mom was a control freak. Very dramatic. Anyway, up til that point, I'd lived with her... we moved a LOT. I'd been in 7 schools by the time I was 9. She couldn't sit still anywhere. Never could make a home. Always on the run. Eventually she had my little sister. Named her Kyle, for whatever reason. Different father. She married him too. Then left him behind. One day, she asked me where I wanted to live. Apparently she had met a new guy named Mark, and he was really into this new age alien stuff and she decided she was going to pack up her life and live with him. We lived in Pennsylvania, Mark lived in New Jersey, so I opted to move in with my dad full time. She ended up moving to Jersey and taking my two sisters with her. Since that day, and that was 20 years ago, I've seen my mother once... I was 13 the last time I saw her. She invited me to her home in Florida for a week out of the blue. She had changed her name about 5 more times since the last time I saw her. She was Diana Herhenreader at birth, took her Aunts name and went by Kate\Katie. She had a pen name for a while which was "Anaya Reed". That always made me laugh. When I was a kid, 2nd grade, I had a classmate named Anaya. I remember because I kind of liked her. That's how my mother heard the name Anaya. I found out years later that she adopted it for herself. By the time I saw her in Florida when I was 13, she had moved to England and married a man over there named Michael Deane. She'd changed her name from Anaya Reed to Ana Hayes and finally to Ashayana Deane. Michael seemed nice enough. It was after they got married, that the cult really formed. He was known by the followers as "Azurtanyan" or something like that. To this day, I have no idea what exactly they preach. All I know is that she holds seminars which are considered non profit, because she's a religious organization. So she keeps the ticket sales she makes. It was about $1000 a ticket per person per seminar, with 75-100 people attending per seminar. She pockets all of that money and gets to call it tithing.
My mother stood in front of a seminar full of people in Amsterdam in 2006, and she told them this very sad story about me. I was shocked to learn about it. One of her ex followers actually sought me out and sent me the tape. I was livid. She said my father poisoned me against her since I was just a baby. That the state had taken me away from my father and put me in a boarding school for kids who acted up. She said that she loved me and wants what's best for me, but that she was afraid of me because I might "burn her house down or something". And what's even better, is that she claims to have made something called a "soul contract". You see, the Ashayana walking around on earth today, isn't my mother. It's my mothers body. Apparently Ashayana made a deal, a soul contract, with Katie my mother, and Katie ascended... and Ashayana took her place. She uses this to explain why she's still addicted to cigarettes, or why she's a little distant from her family... she gets to take zero responsibility for her life decisions. Abandoning children. Defaming their name and spreading mistruths.
This is what I know. My mother wasn't a mother to me. But she taught me valuable lessons about people and dependability. I don't miss her. I was honestly better off. She is a pathological liar, and she's been on the run for her whole life. Running from... something. Running from herself. She never stays in one place too long, never commits to a relationship for too long, and always has an excuse. She's changed her name 5 times and pretends she hasn't. She has even gone to the lengths of blaming the supernatural, rather than taking some responsibility herself. She's claimed to have been abducted by aliens on multiple occasions, even as a child. Which was funny to me, because I was there during some of these "abductions"... don't seem to remember them. And what's more interesting to point out, is that her interest in new age stuff wasn't in aliens or extraterrestrials in the beginning and it wasn't for a very long time. Not until she met Mark, right before she left me. She was more interested in spirits and witches and the occult.
She's a very smart woman. Very well spoken. Speaks very fast, and with a certain clarity and confidence that really fools people into thinking she knows her s***. She speaks with a charisma that draws people in. Hitler did that too. She takes in thousands of dollars and pays zero taxes on it and gets to travel all around the world to spread whatever gospel it is she spreads. She makes sure that it's all a little too complicated for the average person, convincing them that they basically need her in order to make sense of it... and she bullshits her way through it by sounding like an authoritative voice on the matter.
Not the biggest fan of my mother. Obviously. Feel free to ask anything. I'll answer what I can.
Edit: Wow, this blew up a little bit. Took a nap and bam, lots to read. I'd like to thank my birth mother Ashayana Deane, without whom I'd never have achieved the honor of receiving my first reddit gold (all jokes aside, seriously thank you guys for being great).
The other thing I'd say is -
when did you give your power away?
look hard into that
then - begin your journey to get it back
the convincingly written - but made up nonsense, you've been reading has infiltrated your mind with fear and fear manipulates you... when you're in a state of fear it's because you feel powerless...
you are NOT powerless
repeat after me I AM NOT POWERLESS
write out a statement revoking any contract/s accidental or intentional that you may have made to surrender your power.
if you gave it away - you can take it back -
you've read too much fearful disinfo and have been infected with fear
that is all
and YES (as Stranger said)...LOVE IS the remedy
send LOVE to any and all negative entities attached to you and (for example) buy yourself flowers and hug yourself IMMEDIATELY

darkness has no power over illumination
hate is dissolved by LOVE
darkness is simply an absence
an absence of LOVE
read up on "negative greetings" (in the Ra Material)... love your 'enemies' - it will drive them away - or change them for the better...
I have asked Archangel Raphael to be with you (with your permission)
also - I send you love