Quote:Turtle, thanks for your encouragement. But believe me when I tell you that I am doing something about it. More than you can imagine. Anything that comes to your mind, I guarantee you that I have already done it, and then some. Do you think I enjoy having an overbearing gestalt intelligence merged into my body/energy field, with the ability to control my arms, legs and feet at will? Acting in the most chaotic and deceptive manner? There has been no easy solution to this.
So what are you hoping for with your post, Dante? I ask because you ended your post with
Quote:Is there anything that can be done to change these dynamics because I feel like I am just being used by cosmic beings to achieve their agenda at my life’s expense?but say that you're already doing everything beyond what we can imagine?
Regarding this:
Quote:Thank you Stranger. But I just don't think you guys are understanding that "light" and "dark" is just a game that is played on incarnated beings by the cosmic mind matrix that many of us refer to as "God." There are no negatively oriented beings that those atop the spiritual hierarchy should not be able to dispel, since they are all love and light. Would you agree with that?
Yes it's a game but it's not a malicious one - although it can certainly feel that way - but actually a loving one. The entire Creation is loved very deeply and without exception by the Creator, and I have experienced this directly.
The fundamental truth of reality is Unity, with no disharmony whatsoever. That is the source and foundation of all that we experience. Everything else in existence depends on illusory, permeable boundaries within that Unity; all disharmony, darkness or evil is only apparent, not real.
Love is the expression of that Unity within the apparent multiplicity of Creation. Therefore nothing can overpower Love, even if God allows apparent disharmony/darkness/evil to exist alongside it.
Because Love is our direct link to Unity, Love really is the way out. What you do with this information is up to you.