09-20-2017, 09:56 PM
(09-20-2017, 08:57 PM)777 Wrote: I've had similar experiences with dark entities.
These entities are not connected to Ra / the Confederation, though many of them impersonate higher dimensional light entities to prey upon seekers.
"Harvest" refers to the process where the higher self selects the appropriate density / conditions of the next incarnation at the time of physical death.
That is different from what the dark / STS / negative entities attempted to mislead you with. I wish you the best, and if you want, you can stick around and seek healing / information on here. If not, continue finding your path.
777, thanks for your comment. However, I differ slightly in that I believe that what I am dealing with is something that is connected to the Solar Matrix level and beyond. I know it's very tempting to go with the conventional "good" vs "evil" beings, but many years of experience with this has told me that higher multi-dimensional beings and consciousness play both sides of the game in the lower dimensions.